Chapter 07: Interrogative points

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-You need a ton of makeup to hide that burial head you got there.

-Stop teasing her, Nad, you know very well she has not slept properly since- since when?

-Since she came back from the council, Ly.

It's been a week since I didn't close my eye and sleep properly. My sleep hours don't exceed three hours. I'm really worried about the people I just saved. Or rather worried about the one I just saved from the burned land.

-She's worried about something unimportant. Nadir exclaims. She knows very well that they are in good hands.

-The problem is that she doesn't trust the masters and their agents that much. Yessfidech answers.

I sigh about their stupid conversation and get up from my corner in front of the window to go back to my room. I pick up my phone on which I was listening to music and put it in my pajamas' pocket and then fold the hood over my black hair cut short.

-Ness, don't leave us like this, we need to get explanations. My brother says. We have been here for two weeks but we don't know anything about our conditions.

-What do you want to know ? I ask as I turn to him.

-And if we start with " that" for example? My brother proposes, showing the agent who is sitting quietly on one of the sofas.

-The "that" you're talking about has a name, he's called Yessfidech...

Nadir grins then gets up from his chair and sits down beside my agent. He smiles maliciously at him, then punches him in the stomach. To my big surprise, it hurts me too.

-What made you do this, dear lord! I scream to my brother and then rush to my servant: Are you all right, Yess?

He grimaces with pain as he holds his stomach and I see a gleam of anger in his eyes that quickly fades when I press him against me. He rests his head against my shoulder for a few moments and then raises it.

-It's not with hits that you'll get answers, Nadir. He spits towards my brother.

-I'm really sorry... The boy mutters. I didn't want to-

-Okay, stop it both of you... I cut it short. What do you want to know ?

-Everything, starting with Yessfidech. Lydia replies this time.

I explain to them all that my servant had told me during our week in space, about ERWI and his servants the men in black that they call LADS. But on arriving about my protector, I stop not knowing what to say.

-My name is Yessfidech Ben Daat, and I had appeared when Ness had let her energy escape when the ships attacked your country... If my mistress senses my pain it's because of our strong bond.

-You mean you're a second soul to my sister? Nad says, completely shocked.

-Somehow, yes... The brown replies.

-Well, it's getting late. I start, standing up. Everybody to his room, right away.


I find myself in front of the big building where the six rock stars are resting. I want to see him before resuming the course of my life. I haven't told anyone about this visit and that is my decision.

I go to the receptionist and this one recognizes me being the new mistress and greets me mechanically then asks for the reason of my visit.

-I want the number of my niece's room and the one of the persons I saved last week. I ask him.

-Wait a second. He says then searches his computer: It's 394, third floor next to that of the men with whom she was, the 395.

I thank the old man and this one gives me a magnetic card so that I pass it in the door's lock.

With a quick and steady step, I slip into the long deserted corridor at this early hour. I enter an elevator and press the button to the third floor. After a moment, the doors open and I get out of the steel monster.

I scan all the doors looking for the number indicated by the woman at the desk.

-385... 389... 392... ah here is 395 !!

I pass the card in front of the lock and open the door. I enter inside quietly and then close the door behind me. The beats of my heart increase with every step I make toward the beds.

-Nessrine, stop panicking, it's not like you're going to defuse a bomb.

The first bed before me is that of the band diva, the lead guitarist named Richard Kruspe. I don't pay him attention, and rather look for that of his guitar band mate.

-Paul... where are you, for my gibson's sake? Ah, here you are!

The full name of the German is inscribed on the bed folder in addition to two numbers, 41 and 31 that I don't understand. I shrug and approach the sleeper but what I discover leaves me speechless.

-What's this- I start, looking at the young version of Paul Landers.

I walk away from him and check the others. The same result strikes me in the face; they all have the version of themselves of 10 years ago.

-Impossible ! They can't lose their age so easily, unless-

I go back to the man I love and look at him attentively. He wears a bracelet around his wrist which means he underwent a physical transformation. I lean over him and caress his face before kissing him lovingly.

Paul moves and then opens his eyes and looks at me a moment before closing them again. A device starts ringing and I panic, not knowing what to do. Officers enter the room and look at me with surprise.

-I made a mistake, sorry. I say, getting ready to go out. I'm looking for my niece's room.

-She just woke up. One of the men says. You must go see her, she's claiming her mother.

I go to look for my niece, but don't find the same result that the others got, she's always four years old as always. the youngster looks at me and runs to me.

-Aunt Ness, where's mom? She asks, huddled up against my leg.

I open my mouth to answer her when I see a red-haired woman arriving running, I quickly recognize her being Paul's girlfriend. A moment passes then the guards take out the guitarist who leaves with his wife.

I look at him for the last time and then wipe the tears from the corner of my eyes and lean to carry Assia. I press her tightly against me and close my eyes.

-Good-bye, my dear. I say, leaving for my car.

***To be continued...

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