Chapter 25: Calm before storm

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My worst enemy hesitates a moment but doesn't make any gesture to release me and I begin to feel unconscious. Ifrayem lowers his head and looks at me before leaning to put his lips on mine.

-Son of bitch !! Paul's sudden voice screams. How dare you touch my wife.

I don't know what happens next, because I fall off my ex-professor's hands. Fortunately the wings, still present in my back, slow down my fall, but I lose consciousness directly.


I open my eyes and notice that I am no longer in the corridor of the council building, in which I was assaulted. I take a long time to turn the gears in my head, to know where I am.

The vision begins to brighten and I discover that I am lying on the bed in the room that I'm sharing with Paul for a while. I see that even this one is sitting on a chair next to me, his head resting on the side of the bed.

-Oh, Paul, I'm really sorry to have worried you too. I whisper, detailing his angelic face. I love you so much.

Without paying attention, I hit his shoulder trying to get up and this gesture wakes him up. The ex-guitarist wakes up slowly and then raises his head towards me and looks at me with anxiety.

-I'm glad you're okay. He says, stretching. Yess had a bad time trying to sew the wound in your head.

-That's why my head hurts so much. I say, grinning. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything about my appointment with Ernest.

-I was more worried about our child. Landers says quickly, then pulls himself together. Oops !!

Our child ?! Paul means that I am pregnant without knowing it? It's completely impossible... I touch my belly, looking for some clue to it, although it's completely stupid from me.

-I am pregnant ?! I ask questioningly. How did you know ?

-Yess only discovered it today. The tattooed responds. Besides, it's him who has covered it since its formation.

-What do you mean ? I say without understanding what he means.

My husband, whom my father had given the blessing to marry me during our stay in the other world, says nothing and helps me to lie down on the bed and says that he would look for Ben Daat, so that the agent can explain the situation to me.

A long time later, that I spend trying to swallow what my husband has just told me, the two men finally arrive in the room. Yess seems suddenly more ill than the last time I saw him in the control room.

-You wanted explanations, mistress? The demon asks, gently.

-You seem to be more strange suddenly, my dear friend. I say, sitting up on a pillow. Don't tell me that-?

My gaze goes to his belly slightly bounced and I nearly choke with my own saliva. A male pregnancy? Who would have thought it real? Yess looks at me with embarrassment before releasing his protection and sending me the baby in the belly.

-I think I'm going to vomit. I say, suddenly dizzy.

I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach on the toilets. Once better, I wash my face and teeth and then go back to the other two men who stayed in the room, not really knowing what to do.

-I'm sorry I didn't mention that. My agent starts. I didn't know that the ritual will be completed quickly.

-What are you talking about, Yessfidech? My husband asks. Reassure me at least that it's mine.

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