Chapter 04: A welcoming country

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This country means a lot to me, starting with my favourite rock band. I had so much wanted to visit it during my ancient life, and now I will officially be a German under the government's protection.

I watch the house going down slowly on the place planned to the house and remember what happened this morning. I close my eyes and let the memories rise up in my head, and I see it all like on a television.

-Which city do you choose to land the villa? The protector asks.

-The villa ?! I ask, without understanding. We are not in a villa...

-The ship will become a villa when it lands. He says, working on the keyboard.

I look at the card that is in front of me, I feel my heart tighten when my eyes fall on a certain place.

-Leipzig or- I start, pointing to the map. or Schwerin, find the most safe.

-Very well, mistress. Yess says then enters the instructions into the large on-board computer.

The villa finishes its landing in a small field in Schwerin and my heart stops beating for a while, before starting again. We are finally in the country that I wanted so much to visit.

-We arrived. My protector declares, placing his hand on the wall. You want to go out ?

-Yes... I answer, nodding. I want to know what the villa looks like from the outside.

The brown beckons me to follow him outside the room. We leave the basement and I get surprised when I discover the new change of the house. The old apartment really became a small two-floors villa with several rooms that can be modified thanks to the control room.

-Do you like it? My protector asks, stopping in the first floor.

-We will do some retouching once back here. I simply reply.

We continue to the outside of the small mansion and what I see leaves me satisfied. The mansion has a small garden, trees, a games' place and also other things that make it wonderful. The whole is surrounded by a long iron fence.

-Where is the swimming pool ? I ask, without turning to my companion.

-Behind the house. He answers. Do you want to see it ?

-No, not for now... I reply. We must wake up the others now.

I go home, jerky breathing, and walk to the sleeping room. The awakening of the others is obligatory to have them as active members. But... I feel really stressed at the idea of ​​facing them and revealing to them that our country no longer exists.

-Make some guts, Ness. The energy servant encourages me. I am here to help you...

-Thank you for being here for me, Yess. I tell him. But I can't make another step, do it for me, please.

I let the young man to take care of their awakening and rather go to wait them in the living room, unable to cope with their expressions. I know I'm going to have a nasty time with them to explain the situation.

-They are fully awake. The brown says as he joins me. They will change their clothes and then come.


Three days passed since our arrival here in this quiet and calm village. I faced my brother and my two other girl friends and the result was as I expected... a complete crisis from them.

Yessfidech was with me and had sustained me as possible as he can. Sonia was the first to leave us to go to her room, soon followed by Nadir. Lydia had looked at me with moistened eyes before declaring that she is a mistress of energy too.

Now I am in the villas garden reading a book under an apple tree. Only Lydia is with me, while the other two have gone to the city. None of us talk and only the music reigns over this icy atmosphere.

-Do you think they'll blame us for not being able to save them? She asks.

-I don't know... I reply, getting my eyes away of the book. We didn't know we were energy masters until now.

-But I am angry with myself for not being there, when my family needed me most. She whispers.

-We had talked about it, Ly. I say, closing the book to face her. We must bury the past.

My servant cuts the conversation short by coming to signal that we have a visit. It's the president, herself, who is on our door steps, accompanied by her bodyguards. I feel surprised at this sudden visit , staring at Yess without saying anything. Until he slams his fingers in front of my face.

-Let them in. I ask my only friend. But keep an eye on the others.

-Well, she'll be waiting in the living room. Yess says, leaving.

-Stay here. I ask my cousin. I want you to remain discreet until I understand why Angelina is here.

I start moving away from her then turn around and glance at her before entering the house. I enter the living-room through the corridor and cross Yessfidech who's discussing, in an unknown language to me, with the guards. The blonde is sitting on one of my sofas.

-Can I know the cause of your visit, Madam? I ask, standing in front of her.

-My agents told me you had just arrived. She answers, inviting me to sit down with a wave of her hand.

-Yes Madam. I answer, taking a seat in front of her. My agent contacted them to ask for a permission to get on your land.

The blonde takes the glass of whiskey that one of her agents offers her and drinks a gorged. I watch her drinking slowly and wait for another question. Angelina stares at the yellowish liquid that swims in her glass and then turns her attention back to me.

-Can I know where you and the others come from? She asks, putting the glass on the coffee table.

-From Algeria... I answer, biting my wrist. My country is completely destroyed.

-Does that mean that-? She starts but stops and looks at me.

In response, I concentrate a little bit and then show her the golden aura that surrounds my two arms. She simply smiles, then looks at one of her bodyguards and makes a sign that I don't understand.

-An Alfa mistress of energy. She declares, asking for another drink. Very interesting...

-My cousin Lydia is a Beta. I announce to her, making the aura disappear.

-All masters must present themselves to the council to assert that they are not a danger. She begins. So it will be the same for both of you tomorrow morning.

I nod as an affirmation and then accompany her to the exit. Before leaving, she hands me a pass badge. At the same time my brother and his friend come back home.

-She came to confirm that we're not a danger for the country. I say, responding to their interrogative looks.

I let them go to their rooms to get changed and go back to my cousin to let her know about the new condition. I lay down on the chaise-lounge then take back my book but don't open it, I only wait for the reaction of the redhead next to me.

-When will it be? Lydia asks, with no real interest about the answer.

-Tomorrow morning. I answer, closing my eyes. In the council's headquarters.

***To be continued...

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