Chapter 15: The enemies on our heels

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-What do you mean by "the battle will soon begin" ? Nikki asks, joining us.

-I've just- never mind, you're not going to believe me.

-Did you have another vision? Dero asks, joining us. I felt the master's power here.

-Was it with ERWI that I spoke then? I say, feeling the anger going up suddenly. He had destroyed my country...

Paul holds me in his arms to calm me and I cling to his shoulders and then cry on his chest. I thought I could overcome my loss and become stronger for the only family I have left, but I failed.

-We're in the middle of a war... Nikki begins. We all made bad choices.

-I think I'll be the last one to join the list. I answer, my head on Landers' shoulder.

The tattooed's phone begins to vibrate in his pocket and he takes it quickly and then looks at the screen. I glance at the screen too and discover that it's a call from his girlfriend, Brigitta.

-I told you I'll come home late, I'm with my friends from the Oomph! group. He tells her, responding. What? What are you talking about ?

Paul turns to the door and shouts with surprise, I turn to see too but he already pushes me and I finish in the arms of Dero who prevents my fall by holding me against him. I hear rapid footsteps approaching us.

-I leave you two seconds and you take the opportunity to get other girls, Landers? A female voice says with fury.

-No, that's not what you think, she's Dero's girlfriend. The brown defends himself.

-You will come right away with me and we'll go back home. Brigitta shouts.

The former guitarist of Rammstein launches pleading look to Richard but this one doesn't know what to do. Seeing the expression on the face of the man I loved, I think there is something serious between the two.

-I think something suspicious is going on between them. I say, loosening the singer's arms! His aura frightens me.

-You can see the auras too? Richard says with surprise. I thought I was the only one.

-I just found out about it. I answer and then ask him: It will be nice if you take me home, Richard.


While returning to the villa with the black soldier, I notice the car that's following us and thinking it's discreet. I don't say anything to Richard, for fear of disturbing him and causing him to love the car control, I know him very well.

-Thank you very much, Kruspe. I say, getting out of the car. Nikki, we'll meet tomorrow at work, and you'll tell me everything.

-Ness, Paul had forgotten to give you this envelope. The smoker says.

Richard hands me a pink envelope and I put it in my pocket. I thank him for bringing me back and then get into the garden. I find my brother playing with his niece on the swing. It reminds me that I don't spend enough time with them.

-Look, who just come back, it's aunt Nessrine. Her uncle tells her.

Assia asks my brother to get her down from the swing and then she runs to me. I touch the letter through the pocket and then lean and take my niece in my arms. My hours are numbered, so it would be better to take advantage of it.

-What about going to the pool to have fun instead? I ask, looking at Nad.

-Yes, I too want to swim !! The girl shouts with joy. Come and get me my swimsuit, Aunt Ness.

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