Chapter 16: Is everything okay? I'm not sure...

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A week has passed since Paul's visit and three days since Ifrayem tried to kidnap me again. It was Oliver, to my big surprise, who saved my life this time. And after that, Yess had to hire a bodyguard to watch the surroundings.

Right now, I'm with Nikki and Richard in a fast-food restaurant to have lunch with them during the lunch break. My own bodyguard is a few meters away from us. Richard is just staring at him since we arrived.

-You think he's a spy? Kruspe asks, turning to us.

-Stop looking at him with that air, otherwise he'll suspect something. His girlfriend says.

-I'm sick of this war, I want to run away. I declare with a sigh. Can't you get me out of here, Richard?

-Your position here's a good thing for the two camps' balance. The American says. You're an ADELICE, do you remember?

I look at the glass of juice that I hold in my hands and then think to make a decision. The others have no right to decide for me what I ought or not to do, it is my own life that is at stake.

-Are you okay, Ness? Richard asks, worried. Because the glass didn't do anything to you...

-It's true, I'm not going well. I answer. That's why I'm inviting you tonight to my home with others for an evening.

-By the "others" you mean the Rammstein's former members? Nikki asks. Do you think it's a good idea?

-If I have to sacrifice myself for humanity, so much to take advantage of my last days. I answer, drinking a sip.


-Hey, I've been back from university since half an hour, but you haven't told me what you're doing. My cousin says.

-It's a little surprise, it's soon Nad's Bac and it will be good to distress him. I answer, putting the drinks on the table.

-I'm not stressed !! My brother, who is sitting on the sofa to watch TV, shouts. You're gonna invite your boyfriend?

-You know very well that love and I make three... I answer with a sigh. I don't have time to fall in love, and by the way Paul's not my boyfriend.

That's when Yess comes up from the control room and tells me that my guests have just arrived. Assia's sleeping comfortably in his arms, a small smile is stuck to her lips.

-I'll take her back to her room. The servant says. And get back down to work.

-I open for them by myself, thank you very much Ben Daat. I tell him.

I leave to welcome my first guests who have just arrived and kiss Richard who is accompanied of his girlfriend, in addition to the members of the rock band Oomph! I make them enter to the great living room I prepared for the party.

-That's your surprise, Ness! Nadir says with surprise. All the members of my favourite group who come to us?

-The others haven't yet arrived. I comment, then ask my guests. Please make yourself at home.

-Thank you very much, young princess. Dero says with respect.

I give him an alarmed glance and thankfully that my brother and cousin haven't heard him saying that, otherwise I would be harassed to tell them the truth. Richard, who is already discussing with Andreas and my brother, gives him a brief, meaningful look.

-I'm looking forward to seeing the others. Nikki says, coming towards me. Especially Till, the sexiest of the group.

-If you turn around him you're going to have problems with Richard and Flake. I say wile laughing.

-Why Flake? My colleague asks.

I open my mouth to answer, but see the rest of our guests arrive. Flake is in Till's arms, Oliver plays on his phone while Doom is chatting with the hologram that opened the door for them. I look for Paul among the guests, but don't find him.

-He didn't come with us. Doom answers the question I didn't ask.

-Flake, I'm glad to see you here !! I say, holding him in my arms. You will always be welcome here, my spiritual father.

-That will make me your father-in-law? Till asks, laughing. Otherwise, where are the drinks?

My guests all go into the great hall of the festivities and I follow them, but notice the looks that my cousin and her teacher exchange. I take a last look at the entrance door, watching for he guitarist's arrival, but nobody rings.

Everyone's having fun at the party and I end up burying my grief deep inside my soul and enjoy the evening with the others. I talk to Oliver, dance with Flake, play beer pong with Richard and Nad but keep an eye on Ly and Doom.

-Looks like your cousin is in love with the black soldier. My friend comments, joining the buffet. This kind of love doesn't always work.

-She will has to make her own choice in the future. I answer, pouring lemonade into my glass. Soldiers or masters.

Our guests seem to be enjoying themselves more and more, and the music sings some rock in the stereo. Till comes to me to dance with him and I accept with pleasure. We start to hitch in the track but suddenly, my head starts to hurt and I dive into a vision.

-I look at you every morning... getting closer to us, you are mine! A horrible voice screams.

With a protective gesture, I clog my ears and feel my energy vibrating dangerously in my veins. My wings seek a loophole and end up tearing my back slowly.

-Ness, you have to calm down !! Dero shouts, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

The rock singer surrounds my shoulders with one arm and then takes me outside. My brother looks at us surprised, but I see Richard going to him and they both start talking.

Once in the garden, Goi squeezes me against him and I hear him singing in German. I hear perfectly the same words of my nightmare. I put my head on his shoulder then start to relax, and the wings get back to their place.

-Let's return to the party, young ADELICE. The master of the labyrinth says.


I wake up, feeling someone waking me up by shaking my shoulder. The party has been over for a long time and everyone has gone home. I open one eye then the other and watch who just woke me up.

-We have a slight problem, Ness. My servant says. Paul is in front of the big door.

I remove the sheet that covers my body and then run outside, Yessfidech taking me step. I sprint towards the first floor and then into the garden, towards the large portal. Blows on it stop me for a moment and then I go on.

-Wait for me, Ness. The brown screams running after me. Let me make sure it's not a trap.

Ben Daat examines the door for a moment but ends up opening it quickly and he gets a heavy body on him. I recognize him well that it is Paul, and beside him stands a woman who looks strangely like Landers.

-What happened to him? My agent asks the woman.

-The woman was angry when she saw your mistress' message on his phone, she hit him as she did every time... The woman replies.

-She struck him ?! I shout with surprise. It was her who had caused all the scars on his body?

Yess takes the man inside the house and then down to the control room. He rests him delicately on the sofa and then goes to seek a thing between the sets. I sit on the floor beside Paul, and stroke his face.

-Forgive me, master. The woman says, crying. I couldn't save you.

-Don't worry Joulanar. My agent reassures her. He will not leave us so easily.

I watch my agent passing a stick on the ex-guitarist's body, then decide to stay with the man I love and watch over him...

To be continued...

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