Epilogue: 20 years later

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-What the- seriously ?! Emil shouts, facing the blank page which means that the notebook's finished. It's not funny this !!

The boy sends the notebook against the wall, then rises from the armchair to go back home. Dozens of questions begin to point the nose in his head, but he has no consistent answers for them.

-My mother and Ifrayem !? He says, rubbing his temples. Who would have thought it possible?

-I loved her so much, but she had preferred the soldier to the master himself. A sudden voice that made him jump says.

-Lily is aware of your old narrow relationship? The young man asks, facing his elder.

The ERWI shakes his head negatively and then looks around before taking a good inspiration of the dust. Emil looks at him without doing anything, then turns his attention to the house that is becoming more and more clean.

-Nessrine has hidden so much secrets in this house. The former LADS master begins. All her old memories are here.

-Can you tell me more about the war? The young Landers asks with interest. My parents and Uncle Yess didn't want me to know more than necessary.

-Let's say that the sword hadn't done anything to me. Ifrayem replies. She had actually ended Rayan and Ernest's lives, but not mine.

The former German teacher sets out on a sofa in the living room, and invites his young brother-in-law to join him. Emil looks at him doubtfully for a moment, before joining him and taking a seat next to him.

-Your uncle Nadir was dead here, that's why this house is no longer habitable. The man explains. Nessrine had her heart broken for a long time...

-I understand her feelings very well. Emil says, sadly. He was the last member of her family.

The front door creaks suddenly and then opens and two silhouettes enter the abandoned house. Emil recognizes his parents directly, then behind them is his twin sister Lily who's dating her mother's former enemy.

-I knew you would come here, young disobedient. Adelice says. Yess had felt your presence.

-I wanted to know more about the war, and since you refuse to tell me. Emil starts then makes a gesture showing the house. I came to see for myself.

-What are you doing here, Ifrayem? Paul asks his former enemy.

-I was just walking past the house and felt his presence. The man defends himself. Well, we'll go back home or remain here?


I look at the house and then recall the last moments of the war between good and evil, or if we can call it like that. I had discovered at the same time that the Supreme Master hadn't died during the attack at the council building.

I had killed my own father while facing him, but I had no choice. He had forced me to do it by attacking me, and it was with the sword in my stomach that he looked at me in the eyes to tell me that everything will be fine.

-Adelice... calm your feelings. Paul says, hugging me. Our link is turned upside down.

But I don't stop, I plunge back into memories and see myself fighting with Ernest. He was terrible and almost killed me, except that my own brother had thrown himself between us... The tears run down my cheeks and I wipe them quickly, so the twins don't see them.

-Do you remember our confrontation, Ness? Ifrayem asks, passing an arm around my daughter's shoulders.

-Adelice Lorenz. I tell him with threat, then calmly add. I still can't understand how the sword haven't cut your throat.

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