Chapter 19: A deadly mission

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-Everything is ready for the mission. Paul announces, closing the suitcase. Let's go.

-Paul? I call him from the door, where I stand. Come here, my love.

The ex-guitarist throws me a questioning glance as he advances towards me. When he stood before me, I put my two hands on his cheeks and then kissed him gently. My love surrounds my waist with her arms and then answers my fuck.

-Paul Heiko Landers, Ich liebe- Yess !!

-You're in love with your protector, Ness!? My lover says with surprise.

-No, behind you !! I cry, turning his head towards the door.

Seeing my agent, Paul jumps up and then releases me and directly get back. Yessfidech looks at us with amusement before resuming his seriousness quickly.

-You shouldn't have made all that noise. He starts, shaking his head. I thought I was going to hang myself with my own guts.

-Thank you very much for this horrible picture that you just printed in my head. Landers says with disgust. And I point out to you that it has not happened.

-I know, little lover. My agent teases him. Otherwise I have no problem if you do some things to my mistress.

Dirty little pervert !! Since the relationship between the former guitarist and me got official, he doesn't let a moment pass without teasing my new boyfriend. I strike him gently on the shoulder and then tightly hug him against me.

-I'll miss you so much, Yessfidech. I tell him. More than the others.

-I will always be here. He says, showing my heart, then my head. And here too, ready to intervene if something happens.

After a last good-bye, we leave the house, Paul and I, and we go towards the limousine that awaits us in front of the villa's portal. We are led to the council building, Ernest is waiting outside with the other 11 masters.

-I feel more and more nervous. I say, looking at them. I think it's a trap.

-All this will go well, my Princess. Paul says, pressing me against him. Your black knight is here by your side.

-And I am here too. My agent says in my head. You can trust me.

The car stops in front of the assembly and then the driver comes to open, without saying a word. So this makes me doubt that he is deaf-mute, because he had not said anything all the way. He bows in front of us and then returns to the vehicle.

-At the right time, crystal and ruby. The supreme master says, opening his arms wide. Your plane is waiting for you.

We walk quickly behind Ernest, getting followed by the other masters. We are taken to a large courtyard where a large plane is waiting for us. The model I see before me is similar to that of the x-men I had seen several times on my Marvel comics.

-The goal of the mission will be dictated to you once in Jerusalem. Ernest begins.

-I prefer you to call it Palestine. I cut him short.

-Doesn't matter. He says, shaking his shoulders, then resumes. The other masters are here to give you items of protection.

The first one approaches and then kneels before me and gives me a crystal chalice, containing a liquid that I can't identify. Then the second quickly follows him...

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