Chapter 13: Doctor Landers !?

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The brown in front of me shows one of his charming smiles then stretches out his hand and caresses my cheek. To my big surprise, my energy didn't burn him like it happened with Richard and Till. It makes me think he's like Flake, so important to me.

-You are not yet ready to leave us, miss. He says, walking me back to the bed. I must first check that everything is fine.

-How long have I been here? I ask, sitting gently. I think my boss is not furious with me.

-You've been in a coma for a week. Landers answers, taking the stethoscope that is wrapped around his neck. And your big brother knows about your hospitalization.

The news announced by the former guitarist leaves me shocked. Rather I don't know if I am shocked because of my coma or my half-brother's visit. I think I'm not completely awake yet.

-We're still in a nightmare, aren't we? I ask, looking at him as he examines me.

-What makes you think that's the case? He starts without looking at me. Or else I was part of your dreams, too.

-It's Flake the doctor in the group, right? I answer with a shrug. You're more like a rock star, like the others.

Landers smiles and begins to laugh softly but stops after a while and takes a seat on the bed's empty side. Unconsciously, I snuggle up against him and he passes a protective hand around my shoulders and drags me against him.

-Was it you in the parking lot when I was facing Ifrayem? I ask him.

-No, it was Flake. He answers. He was planning to invite you for dinner.

-I like him very much, your old Keyboardist is great. I announce with joy.

This announcement causes him to retreat a little, without releasing me all the same, and I deduce that he's jealous of Lorenz. I sigh and giggle inwardly at his stupidity but say nothing at all and rather wait until he adds more.

-You saved us for him, didn't you? He asks with a trail of sadness in his voice. You're in love with him, aren't you?

-Flake is a spiritual father to me, and I wish he'd adopt me. I respond, freeing myself from his embrace. But there's one thing I want to know...

-What do you want to know, my princess? He asks with sudden respect.

Hundreds of questions are fighting in my head to find answers. It is only this man next to me who can give me explanations. I lay my hands on my face and try to sort the questions one behind the other.

-To begin, I want to know what my niece was doing with you in Mexico.

-It's Rayan who insisted on seeing her, Emu had come to get her, but he hadn't been able to return in time. He replies with regret.

-Rayan Lezreg? I ask with surprise. You know my father?

-Our master is your father! He says with the same surprise. Is that why he insisted on watching after you all the time, and keep the other shit away from you?

I thought I had all the answers to my questions that leave me sleepless but I think I was wrong. Every time I peel a reply, I find a question above it.

-Let's go back to my first question and tell me... What are you doing here, playing the doctors? I begin, facing him.

-A lot of things have changed, my princess. He responds with respect. And I'm an Alpha energy master, as your servant had detected it.

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