The Burrow

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Apollo's chariot trip was hilarious. Thalia almost fell out twice, despite Apollo telling her over and over again to put the seat belt on and Nico fell asleep on Will's shoulder. Will just smiled and rested his head on Nico's and closed his eyes. Thalia couldn't miss an opportunity to tease her cousin so she snapped a few pictures; she told me it was for the Hunters. Honestly, it was quite adorable. 

Apollo just grinned most of the ride and insisted that Thalia send him the pictures so he could tease his son. 

When we reached Kings Cross, I decided we play rock, paper, scissors to decide who wakes the couple up. Of course I got the short end of the stick. 

As I limped into the station, we saw a large family who all looked the same. They all had red, flaming hair. Apollo walked straight towards them, so I guessed that this was the family we were staying with. There was three boys, about the same height, but one was definitely younger than the other two. The two other boys were obviously twins. They even had the mischievous glint in their eye, just like the Stoll's before they pulled a prank. I liked them immediately. There was a plump, woman who was definitely their mother. She looked kind but forceful. The last child was a girl who looked like her mom. As we walked towards them the plump women turned and saw us. 

"There they are! Fred, George, help them with their trunks." The two twins strolled over to us and offered to help. I handed my stuff over, replying with a voice that was a couple of octaves higher than it should be, "thank you." I cleared my throat. That's embarrassing. But dam can Nico kick. He's got almost faster reflexes than me. I probably shouldn't have been standing in the line of fire in the first place. 

The twins just smirked and went to help Thalia, who was struggling not to laugh, with her things. The plump woman walked over to Apollo and slightly bowed, as if she knew who he was. Probably did. They exchanged a few words before Apollo said his goodbyes and strolled over to his chariot, which had taken the form of a sports car. The plump woman turned to us. 

"Hello dears. My name is Mrs Weasley. These are my children George, Fred, Ginny and Ronald." She gestured to each one in turn. George and Fred snickered when she said 'Ronald'.

The one she was pointing at blushed the shade of crimson and mumbled "Just Ron mum." 

"Sorry dear. Just thought I would be formal with these kids. They are exchange students from America who have come to Hogwarts. They will be staying with us until September first, so be nice. Dumbledore trusted them to us. Come one then, let's not dawdle." We all followed her outside into the parking lot and I looked around, the only car that would fit this many people would be the one in the other direction. But Mrs Weasley continued walking towards the tiny black car that would only fit five people. Thalia spoke up before I did.

"Ma'am. That car won't fit all of us." Thalia was actually being polite. Mrs Weasley smiled. 

"Yes it will dear. It is magic after all." Nico seemed to stick close to Will, much to the amusement of Thalia. Mrs Weasley was right. We all fit in quite comfortably. I decided not to dwell too much on it. Soon, we were on our way to the Weasley house.



Everyone kept glancing at me throughout the trip. I couldn't tell why. Was it because I had that dark aura around me? No. That couldn't be it. I slid closer towards Will. He was really the only one who made me feel normal. Everyone was always scared of me because of my attitude, but ever since I started dating Will, I have found that I can tolerate the existence of other people. I decided to break the silence barrier that was getting on my nerves. 

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