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Last night was foggy. I remember detention and then my memory seems to be indecisive on what actually happened. I do remember, however, that Percy's dad somehow apparated out of the common room. Percy claimed that it wasn't apparating. Then what was it? I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that my memory wouldn't work. Ususally it operated fine, but this time everything doesn't add up. It's like there was a gap and someone had tried to fill it with something but it hadn't worked. If that made sense. I had decided to go out into the forest while the others remained in the common room, studying for O.W.L.S. The exchange students ween't really fussed over whether they passed or failed, much to the annoyence of Hermione. All they did was sit in the corner and speak in their special language.

The forest was beautiful at this time of day. It was quite cold, as it was getting close to winter. I saw one of the horses that was pulling the carriages and decided to follow it. I found a herd of them in a forest clearing. Luna Lovegood was there, barefoot and seemed to be feeding the horses. I walk up to her.

"Your feet. Aren't they cold?" She turns around.

"A little. I don't mind."

"Listen Luna, you said the first night that you can only see the horses if you had seen death. Is that true?"

"Yes. They are very special. They're called Thestrals. Not many people like them because, well,"

"They're different." I finished. Luna nodded. The Thestrals were different. They looked skeletal and brown, not your normal horse shade.

"I really like you. But no. I don't have donuts." Luna and I spin around to see Percy laughing as a baby Thestral nudged his robes. "Stop it! Shhh! They're watching" He looks up to us and flashes his signature cheeky grin. "They seem to think that because pegasi like donuts, they should give it a try too. I, however don't have any. And an angry baby horse is not what you want." My eyebrows furrow.

"You can talk to them." Luna said, exactly what I was just thinking. Percy looked sheepishly at the ground.

"Simple spell" He muttered and suddenly found something very interesting on the floor to stare at. He looked up sharply and stared behind me. "I have not lost my touch!" I turn around to see the Thestral that Luna was feeding before. I couldn't tell, but to me, it seemed to be smiling. I look back at Percy who has crossed his arms. "Watch your language. Blackjack is a brilliant companion and I will not have you insult him... Hmph." There was definitly some electricity between these two, the horse seemed to be taunting Percy. I decided to change the subject before Percy did something he would regret.

"Percy, why are you out here?"

"Well, Will said that I should keep an eye on you since you seemed a bit sulky when you left the common room. Then I saw the Thestral and- I am not calling you Lord of the Sky, that title is already taken and frankly I don't want to upset the dude. Shut-up I am not scared of him. Am not."

I sighed. Percy and the Thestral were bickering like siblings, although I could only hear one side of the conversation, I decided I had to do something. I turned to the Thestral.

"Excuse me, but could you please stop argueing with Percy? I think he's getting quite agitated and-"

"That's it." Percy stormed over and would have seriously done something to the horse if Luna hadn't stepped in the way to defend it.

"Please ignore the Thestral. He means no harm. Percy, the spell will wear off soon and then you don't have to listen anymore."

"Fine. As I was saying before I was rudely inturupted, I followed you Harry because you do have a habit of attracting unwanted attention to yourself and the Forbiddon Forest is not really the place to hang around, even in the day time. Come on Harry. Let's go."

I stayed where I was.

"I don't need a babysitter thank you very much. Now, you can go back to the common room and talk to your buddies, and maybe even leave the school if all you're here to do is watch me."

"Harry, please don't make this diffucult for us. We're just trying to help. It will be a lot easier when we are in the Order, maybe then you'll trust us a bit more."

"What?!" I was practically fuming. "Dumbledore is letting people like you into the Order?!"

"Yeah. He told us this morning. He sent a letter. That's what we were talking about."

"But- but. You're Death Eaters!" I yelled. Luna looked at me.

"Harry. I really don't think they are. They are really nice people. Will Solace even let me borrow his ink even though he knew Umbridge would yell at him for not bringing the right utensils to class." I point at Percy with my wand.

"Luna, he has the dark mark. I think that's evidence enough for me. Expelliarmous!" The light shot out of nmy hand and hit Percy in the chest. His wand flew over to me as well as a pen. "What the hell?" I said as I caught the pen. I reached for the lid, Percy shouted "Don't" and a tiny little horse rammed into my groin. Let me tell you, that is not pleasant. I dropped the pen and Percy held out his hand. It shot back into his hand and he shoved it into his pocket.

"Touch it again, and I'll make sure it's not a baby who hits you." He turned around to see Nico and Thalia laughing their heads off. "Come on Nico. Let's get back to the castle." Percy put his hand on Nico's shoulder and Thaila grabbed his arm. Nico did not look like he was enjoying the human contact but he seemed to shrug it off.

Then, they disappeared.

Babysitting Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now