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I had never shadow travelled with a car before. The most weight I ever took was the Athena Parthenos, but even it was only short distances with long intervals. To be honest, I had no idea where I was trying to go. I just thought of the address, 12 Grimmaud Place. We just had to get away from what ever had hit our car. When we arrived Mad-Eye slammed the breaks and everyone looked very confused, Harry looked like he was going to be sick. Then, I passed out.


Nico should not have travelled with that many people. He even took the car! It was no surprise that he passed out immediately after. His skin shimmered and darkened. Idiot. He was turning to a shadow. I turned to Ron.

"Give me back what you stole!" I yelled. Ron looked a bit taken aback. Everyone looked at him. "I swear to the River Styx, if you don't give me that bottle you will regret it." Thunder echoed from above.

"Ron, what did you take?" Hermione asked softly.

"The bottle that Will grabbed when they left with Leo. It looked important. And," He took it out of his bag, "It was labelled 'Unicorn Draught'." I made a grab for it but he opened the car door and jumped out. Everyone quickly exited as well and the wizards looked a bit shocked. We were on a street that didn't look very special. I made another grab for the bottle as Percy carried Nico out of the car, but Ron jumped out of the way again.

"They're Death Eaters!" Ron exclaimed.

"So help me, if you don't give me that bottle," I threatened.

"Will, he's looking worse." I turned around to see Piper and Percy leaning over Nico. I could hear Piper muttering to him, most likely charmspeak. Nico was starting to let off fragments of what looked like smoke. He was going to turn into a shadow, so, I called on Jason.

"Jason. Do something..." I said and ran back to take a look at Nico. He was getting darker, turning into a puddle of darkness. Jason looked flustered.

"What am I supposed to do?" He said grabbing his wand.

"Just do anything!" Piper screeched. Jason pointed his wand at Ron and the bottle was tugged out of his hands. I jumped up to catch it and I quickly opened it.

"Please don't die." I muttered as I opened Nico's mouth and poured half the contents down his throat. Nico seemed to cough and splutter, but he didn't wake up. 'Come on Sunshine,' I thought. 'You can do it.' Then I started singing my special healing prayer softly under my breath to try and speed the recovery.


I was so angry. I loathed Ron. Because of him, Nico might not ever wake up because Ron was so stubborn and wouldn't give us the potion Nico needed to heal. True, Nico shouldn't have taken that much weight, but he was only trying to protect us and he thought quickly. But I couldn't think of Nico's wrongs right now, all I felt was the absolute loathing and rage towards Ron. He hurt my friend, my cousin. The one I considered brother. After his sister died, all I wanted to do was protect the child that had so much power. I slowly stood up and turned towards the wizards.

"Percy," Annabeth warned, but I couldn't hear her. All I felt was power. The same power I had felt in Tartarus. The burning rage extended to my finger-tips and I held out my hand towards Ron, palm facing him. I felt all the liquid in him, the blood. The weakness of every human. We all feel pain. And all I wanted was for this boy to feel pain. I couldn't hear Nico's breath. All I heard was Piper softly telling Nico to wake up through tears and Will singing under his breath.

Then I let out all my rage in a swift hand jerk.

Ron convulsed and fell to the floor. I felt all the power I had over him. I made him move one way, then the other. I thought I heard Hermione scream over the ringing in my ears. Then I heard something that made me drop my hand.

"Percy, stop." It was soft and quiet, barely a whisper. I turned around to see Nico, still on the floor with his eyes open, looking directly at me. "Percy, don't hurt him any more. I will be okay. As I told you before. With great power, comes great need to take a nap. I'll be right back." Then he closed his eyes and I snapped back to reality to see Will and Piper sitting back with shock and Annabeth looking at me, stunned. I turned back to the wizards to see Ron still on the floor, Hermione and Ginny leaning over him, shouting his name. Behind them were the twins who were looking at their brother in disbelief. Mad-Eye and Ms Weasley were whispering to each other. I turned to face Harry, and what I saw broke my heart. He was looking at me with utter betrayal. I opened my mouth to try to explain, but he looked away.

I just ruined everything. Our plans, our secrets.

But worst of all, I had lost their trust.

I broke Harry's and my friendship.

I had lost a friend and an ally.

I fell to my knees and cradled my head in my arms.

How was I going to fix this?

Babysitting Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now