Memories and Heartbreak

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Poseidon got us matching knives. I'd bet you anything that Aphrodite and Hades had something to do with it. When it comes to me and Will, they are like the perfect team. It's sometimes annoying. Will and I were sitting on my bed in the room that we share, when out of no where he starts crying. I looked over at him, confused.

"Will?" I slowly asked. Will didn't usually cry. He just smiled and made sure I was happy. I didn't know what to do, not many people cry in the same room as me. Will looked down, sobbing uncontrollably now. "Will, what's wrong?" I asked again. He looked at me, studying my concerned face. Then he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I was surprised at first, but then I hugged him back. It was nice, although he was clutching me quite tightly.

"I'm sorry Nico" Will whispered. "I shouldn't be like this, I was just thinking about before, when you were being an idiot."

"I'm always an idiot" I replied, trying to cheer him up. It worked; he chuckled into his tears.

"You know that's not always true. You were just being reckless by shadow traveling with the whole car and eleven people. Nico, I was so scared."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore" I said.

"Nico, I could have lost you. You could have melted into a puddle of shadow goo and I felt like I couldn't do anything about it. Ron wouldn't give me the Unicorn Draught, but sometimes that doesn't always work. You could have-" He choked and paused.

"Yeah, but I didn't." I said softly. "Will, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you" Will whispered softly. I hugged him tighter and we just stayed there until we fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next week wasn't very eventful, other than the fact that Harry had come down with a really bad nightmare one night and the next day, Arthur came back in bandages. No one would tell us what happened, but Dumbledore seemed to ignore Harry more than ever now. He even got Snape to come more often to teach Harry something. ( A/N roll with it :))

Harry seemed to look at Percy strangely. Me and Will just kept to ourselves. It wasn't until the last night of Christmas break when something actually happened. We were all gathered around the dinner table, enjoying one of Mrs Weasley's winter pie. The whole Order was there, except Dumbledore. Even Snape had showed up. Sirius was talking to Harry, Hermione and Annabeth were discussing a book, and Percy and Jason were trying to see how much pie could fit in their mouths.

"Nico, right?" Snape asked me. I tensed, I really didn't like this guy. He was creepy in a different way. "I want to know how you can apparate at the age of fifteen. The ministry doesn't allow kids your age to learn it."

"Severus!" Mrs Weasley cried.

"No, it's okay. If he's curious he has the right to know. It's pretty simple actually. America has different age requirements." I shrugged. Then I went back to poking my pie with a fork.

"How's your sister?"

The world seemed to cave in.

Bianca was coming out of the hunter's tent to tell me she was abandoning me.

Bianca leaving to go on the quest with Percy.

Percy coming back without Bianca.

Her funeral.

I snapped back into reality and blinked. A tear rolled down my cheek and I looked up at Snape.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was surprised at how calm my voice sounded.

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