Visions and Dreams

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I wanted to know more about what Percy had told Fudge, but the upcoming O.W.L.S put all thoughts aside. Hermione, Ron and Annabeth spent most of their time in the library but I had to find somewhere more quiet so I studied in my bedroom. Percy wouldn't talk when I was studying, he just practised magic spells quietly. Sometimes it was distracting when something exploded, but I didn't mind. There was no talking so I could study in peace.

Soon the day came when we had to take the test. Percy, Will and Jason avoided it altogether. Piper and Annabeth wanted to do it; Piper for something to do and Annabeth because she wanted a challenge. The great hall had been cleared of the benches and filled with desks and chairs arranged in rows behind each other. Umbridge stood at the front of the room and we all filled in and took our seats.

Then, the test started.


I didn't want to do the O.W.L.S, so instead I played normal, muggle snap in the infirmary with Jason, Will and Nico.

"Snap!" I yelled and collected the cards. An explosion shook the room.

"What the hell?" Nico muttered. Another bang went off.

"It sounds like fireworks." Will said. Another bang, then we heard cheers.

"Definitely fireworks..." Jason agreed. "But they're taking a test."

"So what...?" My question was answered when we saw a flash of coloured light explode right outside the window. Jason leapt up from the bed and opened the curtin in time to see the remains of a firework fall and dissipate. He opened the window and the sound of cheers filled the room. We all raced to the window to see what was going on. The students had flooded the courtyard and above them were the Weasley twins, flying around a W made of fireworks. Bellow I could make out the bushy brown hair of Hermione next to the messy blonde; Annabeth. I could also see Harry but he was surrounded by a lot of students. Then I saw him collapse.

"Guys," I tried to point out Harry, but I was blacking out.

"Percy?" Nico called from far away.

Then, I came face to face with a nose-less pale guy.


"Wha-" I backed away from the guy who was in front of me. He was the one I kept seeing in my dreams. He had the same blood red eyes that I had seen over Annabeth's dead body. I tried to say something to him, but he walked through me. I turned to watch him and saw a man I didn't recognise sitting in a chair. He had a black robe on and he was grinning.

"Tell me where the prophecy is," No-Nose snarled at Robes. He pointed his wand at Robes and Robes squirmed. It was like he was being electrocuted, but it looked really fake.

"Sirius!" I heard Harry yell. I turned and saw him standing, pale faced and watching the two men. I looked back at Robes. That wasn't Sirius. Harry must think that it is, which means... oh. No-Nose was Voldemort and he was doing some kind of mind trick with Harry. Harry thinks that Robes is Sirius because that's what Voldy wants him to see. I tried shouting at Harry but he kept fading away.


"Harry!" I bolted to a sitting position. Jason and Will jumped out of the way.

"What happened?" I asked. I sitting on the infirmary floor, Nico was leaning down from the bed and Jason and Will sitting back. Madam Pomfrey was also standing close, she looked very worried.

"You passed out," Jason said.

"Come on dear, let's get you to a bed." Madam Pomfrey tried to pull me up. I stood up but I waved her off.

"I'm fine really. Can I have a moment alone with these guys?" I asked her. She muttered something I couldn't hear and walked off to her office.

"What happened to you? One minute you were fine, the next you collapsed." Nico explained.

"I had a vision, only it was reality, it was one of the dreams but- oh never mind. I'll explain later, first we need to find Harry before he does something reckless." I say.

"Are you sure Harry?" It was Hermione outside the room. We all turn to listen.

"Of course, it was just like with Mr Weasley." Harry replied.

"Too late," I say and run out the door.

"Harry stop!" I call. Hermione, Ron, Annabeth and Harry turn around at my voice. Piper was running to catch up behind me.

"Where are you going?" Jason asks.

"To Umbridge's office. We have to use the Floo network to get there." Harry said.

"Where?" Will asks.

"To the department of mysteries. We need to get there, Voldemort is torturing Sirius!" Harry quickly turns and runs away. We have no choice but to follow him. He's convinced that what he saw was real. I need to tell him it was fake, but he was too far ahead. He reached the office before all of us.

"Harry you need to listen to me, you can't-" I start. I'm cut off by the woman standing in the doorway.

"Can't what?" Umbridge snarled.


It's school holidays so I will most likely be publishing more often (no promises).


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