Christmas Revelation

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What confused me was how Percy's dad knew my parents. I kept looking at the picture he gave me. It was a muggle photo; it didn't move. The photo consisted of my mum and dad standing outside a tall building (enough geography knowledge told me it was Empire State Building) with Percy's dad standing behind them, arms around their shoulders. I fingered my mums stomach, which was very big. The picture was taken when she was pregnant. I was so distracted that I didn't hear footsteps coming up the stairs until the door closed from the room next to me.

"Sit down Percy, there's a lot I should tell you and it might be hard to take." I looked up. It was definitely Percy's dad. This was probably my only chance to find out what the heck was going on, but I didn't want to invade their privacy. Then he mentioned my last name.


I sat on the bed my dad gestured to. I was very curious to what he had to say. Me and Annabeth looked at each other and my dad told us what was happening; 

"You know that the gods" (He said the word 'gods' softly and looked around as if making sure no one else was listening) "move around, depending on where the 'flame' is strongest. Well, once we lived in Great Britain. It was where human influence was strongest and as always, most of us settled down and had kids. It wasn't very safe, because there wasn't a big camp or anything, but it was only the minor gods who did it, so it wasn't a big deal. Then I fell in love with a witch. She was a lovely woman, by the name of Darlene. Then, the gods moved to America in 1860. Everyone settled down, except me. I couldn't get her out of my head, so occasionally I visited her. Darlene talked of marriage, but I knew I couldn't do it. I didn't tell her about myself. Years later, we had our first child. We named her Evangeline. Then Darlene died and I couldn't keep going. Eva was put into an orphanage and I stayed in America for good. Then news reached me that Eva had married and was now under the name Evangeline Potter. "


"... Evangeline Potter"

I sat up. They were talking about someone in my family. I grabbed one of the twin's extendable ears from Ron's bed and crept out to sit in front of their door.

"But that's Harry's last name." Percy's voice said.

"Exactly." His dad replied. "Evangeline had married someone named Henry Potter and they had settled down together. By my calculation, Eva was only seventeen. It was only many years later when James and Lilly Potter, Harry's parents, came to America. You see, Dumbledore had sent them to contact us and ask for our assistance in the war. My brother declined,"

"Bet I can guess which one" I heard Percy say. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I turned to see Hermione. I put my fingers on my lips and beckoned her over. She knelt cautiously next to me. We listened together.

"James and Lilly knew about us and how I was related to him, so he caught me up on what happened. Eva and Henry had their first and only child, Fleamont. He then married Euphemia, and James was born about twenty years later. Fleamont died when James was ten and Euphemia died seven years later. After James left school he and Lilly married. She was pregnant when they visited me. They begged for help, saying innocents were dying, but my brother would have none of it. It was a year later when they died." His voice cracked at the last part.

"Then, hang on. I know we don't really count your side of the tree, but wouldn't that make me Harry's great granddad or something?" Percy asked.

"Or something. I think you should probably just count it as cousin for now, it is pretty confusing. (A/N It is, I looked it up.) That's why Voldemort chose Harry over that other boy, he sensed my blood running though his veins. He sensed power and saw it as a threat. That's why he killed James, not just because he was in his way, but because James is my descendent too. He also has my blood. Voldemort tried to spare Lilly because he sensed no distinct power in her. That's why I think it's my fault. If only I had moved on all those years ago."

Hermione turned to me. She helped me up and we walked quietly into my room.

"Harry, are you alright?" I stared at the floor. I was so confused. But I knew two things for certain.

1) Percy's uncle was somehow to blame for my parents death, and
2) I had a cousin, or distant relative that no one told me about.


Hey guys!!!!

Okay, so for that plot twist, let me explain.

I had this idea of where Percy and Harry were related (I mean, they look pretty similar) However, I didn't want to make it cliche or anything. Some of the other fanfics that I've seen where there is a HP/ PJo crossover, it's not really clear. (Not all) But some are just like "oh, hey. Me and Harry are twins. Yay!" And I didn't want to do something like that. They don't really explain and there is no plot hole for this to occur. I don't believe Lilly would have had kids with someone other than James, and Sally, well, how?

I did some really hard research, and I came across a plot hole where I could add in a bit of back story.


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Boom. I'm so proud of this. The gods did stay in Great Britain for a bit, but then they moved to America in 1860. So there is some room for some 'love' to happen between witches/wizards and gods/goddesses. Then, I went onto Pottermore and looked up Harry's family tree. It could only work if there was some kind of room in his tree.

It's said all throughout the books that Harry looks like James, black hair and the mischievous smile (sound familiar). True, the green eyes come from Lilly, and James has hazel eyes. BUT for green eyes (gene) to occur there has to be green eyes from both families. It's kind of like the red hair gene. People can be carriers. Brown is more dominant over blue or green eye colour. Hazel is a mixture of green eye colour and brown right? ..... basically what I'm trying to say through this mess is that it's not impossible for there to be a green eye gene from James' family.

ANYWAY.... I looked through the family tree and saw one that stood out- UNKNOWN. There is someone in his family that they don't know exactly who it is, so it could be anybody.... even a demigod.

So that's what I wanted to explain. I did a lot of research towards this and I hope you don't run away because I just got cliche by making Harry and Percy related. I added it into the original Harry Potter story line so that it fits, I hope you like it.

So I made Harry kind of like Frank, a descendent of the gods (without the other godly parent). Don't worry, Harry's not going to burst out with magical aura and water powers or anything, he's just a wizard... that still has some of the powerful aura of a demigod (and that's why Voldy chose Harry over Neville) (also, I don't care if 'he didn't realise that Neville was a candidate', NO. Voldy sensed power from the Potter family so he chose Harry, although he probably didn't know about Neville, but who cares, roll with it.)

That was a long A/N, well, hope you enjoy the rest of the story and what it is so far,


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