Christmas Gifts

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I couldn't believe it. After all that me and Percy had done, the fun we had, he was a death eater all along. I wanted to be angry, I wanted to be upset, but when I looked at Percy, curled in a ball on the ground, all I felt was pity. I don't know why. He just performed an unforgivable curse on my best friend - with his hands for that matter. I looked at Hermione, screaming at Ron to wake up. I saw Will with his head on Nico's chest, listening for the lung's rise and fall. I saw Piper and Jason, cuddled together against the car, and Annabeth getting up to try to comfort Percy. Mrs Weasley and Mad-Eye were some distance away, near number 12 on Grimauld place, and I could hear what they were whispering,

"He just lost control Alastor. He won't do it again." Mrs Weasley said to Mad-Eye.

"Molly, I can't let them know about the safe house. A fifteen year old boy apparated, and another just performed a curse on your son!"

"They were sent by Dumbledore!" Mrs Weasley said, raising her voice slightly. "They're just quite powerful, and Percy got upset. His friend was dying on the floor! Percy is one of the most powerful-" She stopped herself. "They aren't death eaters Alastor if that's what your on about." Mrs Weasley said, lowering her voice again. "Dumbledore trusts them , why can't you?"

Mad-Eye looked down. "Fine, but if they 'loose control' again, I will-"

"Contact Dumbledore and they can be moved somewhere else if that makes you feel better. Now come on, look at the time. It's almost Christmas and it's snowing, open the door Alastor, we must get everyone inside." Mrs Weasley ushered Ginny and Hermione into the house, and Will picked up Nico and headed inside as well. Annabeth helped a tear-stained Percy up and brought him up the stairs and through the door. The twins picked up Ron and Jason and Piper followed. I was the last in.


I was fading in and out of consciousness. I knew that Percy was upset, Will was singing and Piper was begging me to wake up. I tried to move, but that only caused me to fade deeper into the darkness.

I was floating. Then, out of no where, Bianca came up to me.

"Nico, wake up. Hold on, don't let go." I tried to reach out to her, but she moved back further. "Don't touch me, it will only make you want to stay. Keep holding on, think of Will, of camp, of all your friends. Fight the darkness!" I tried. I thought of all those times me and Will spent together, talking, laughing, kissing. I thought of Percy, how he would always joke with me and how Piper and Jason would always be there. "That's it Nico! Keep going!" Bianca started to fade and then, she disappeared. Then, I opened my eyes to see Will, leaning over me with tear-stained cheeks.

"Nico! You're okay!" He jumped up and I finally got a good look at where I was. It was a dark room with a small light on the ceiling.

"Where is everyone?" I croaked.

"They're all downstairs. It's Christmas, Nico! You've been out for days." Will said and cradled me. I snugged into his arms, letting the warmth from his body seep into mine. I didn't care if it was Christmas downstairs, my Christmas was upstairs right next to me. And all I wanted to do was stay right there.

"Come on you baby. Let's get some food. You need to get your strength up, doctors orders." Will helped me stand, and I almost fell back onto the bed. I didn't realise how weak I still was. Will chuckled when I put more weight onto his shoulder. "Come on. Let's go."


I didn't really like Grimmauld Place. Mrs Weasley's Christmas dinner was delicious, but there was a lot of awkward tension around the table, concerning us and the wizards. Although the wizards were laughing and joking around, us demigods were sitting at the other end of the table, not talking to anyone. Sirius Black was the owner of the house and apparently he was Harry's Godfather as well. He didn't really mind the fact we were here, he just didn't want to associate himself with us. And that was fine, we didn't talk to him either.

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