Hogwarts Express

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It was finally the first of September. I was disappointed that we couldn't go back and see Sirius again, but we couldn't let the new kids into the Order. Even though we trusted them, we didn't know what life was like back in America. No one said it out loud, but everyone had their suspicions. George even claimed to have seen a tattoo on Percy's arm. We all immediately thought they were death eaters, but we couldn't claim anything until we had proof. In the meantime, they were quite nice people. Nico was quite drawn in, but he wasn't like that towards Will. I wonder what their relationship is. Brothers? They look nothing alike. Cousins? I'm not sure. Boyfriends? Not that I would be against it. 

Anyway, we all woke up early and had everything packed in the car by eight. Percy was up screaming again. Thalia, Nico and Will tried to muffle it, and I even thought I heard Mrs Weasley try to use a muffling charm, but everyone was awake soon after and we all decided it would be best for us to start the day.

Kings Cross was just as it always was, busy. When we reached the spot between nine and ten, Percy looked around.

"Where's 3/4?"

Fred and George grinned. They pointed and said together,

"Through the wall!

Percy paled. 

"You want me to what?!"

Thalia sighed and pushed through. She disappeared through onto platform 9 and 3/4 and Mrs Weasley followed quickly behind muttering something about how 'she won't know where to go'. Fred and George followed after Ginny, then Ron, Will and Nico. By the time I passed through, most of the others were already on the train. I ran to catch up with Ron and we soon found a compartment. 

Hermione found me, Ron, Percy, Ginny, Thalia, Will and Nico in the compartment and dragged Ron out telling him that Prefects get a place up the front. Nico folded his arms and ignored any attempt of contact and stared out the window. I try to break the awkward silence starting up a conversation. 

"So, what house do you think you'll be in?" Percy looks at me.

"Oh. Dumbledore has already put us in the red one. Griffen-something."


"Yeah. That's the one." 

"Huh. So you've already met the Sorting Hat?" The Americans looked at me, even Nico.

"The what?" Percy said, confused.

"You know. The Sorting Hat. The Hat that sings a little song and tells you what house your in." 

They shook their heads. I decide not to dwell on it and asked them instead, "so what house do you think you'd be in?"

"What are they?" Thaila asks.

"Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff for the loyal, Ravenclaw for the intelligent and Slytherin for the cunning." Ginny explains. Nico looks up.

"Slytherin." I didn't doubt that. He's just so... dark. Percy thinks for a minute.

"I don't know." Percy says. Thalia smirks.

"Percy, your definitely not in Ravenclaw." 

Everyone laughs at Percy's offended face.

"I can be smart! I'm good at battle strategy!" Percy's face drains. "Um.. you know... for duels. With wands." Nico face-palms. 

"Percy, you would be a Hufflepuff. Thalia, probably Gryffindor and Nico, maybe a Slytherin. You are cunning and smart. So you would be able to go in Ravenclaw. I would be a Ravenclaw, cause I am smart." Will says. "Not as smart as Annabeth, but I am the smartest out of the family." The Americans smirk.

"True." Thalia says. I turn to Will. 

"How big's your family?" 

"Well. My dad's side is quite big. But other than that it's just my mum and me at home." I turn to the other Americans and ask the same question. 

"Me, my mum and my stepfather at home. I have a half-brother. And I'll soon have a sister!" Percy exclaimed.

"Just me and my brother. Although we spend most of our time at the school. Don't have a home. I travel around with a group of girls I consider sisters though." Thalia replied.

"Half-sister" Is all Nico says. He turns back to the window with a sad look in his eyes. I have a feeling that he isn't telling us something, but I don't press it. 

"Anything from the trolley dears?" I leap up. Percy didn't use all my money, so with the remaining galleons, I buy enough sweets for everyone. 

The Americans took a liking to the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, so we decided to play a game. If you get a bad flavour, then your out. Last one standing wins. I take a white one. Coconut. Ew. But not a bad flavour. Percy's face contorts with a pink one. He spits it out and looks at it like it's possessed.

"Salmon. How dare they." 

Everyone laugh. Thalia gets grape. Ginny looses with a boogie flavoured one. She had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom. Nico grinned. 

"Corn." The Americans exploded with laughter. Will grabs a grey one.

"Oh no. That's not good." He puts it on his tongue and immediately spits it out.
"Oh my gods that's bad." 

We all laugh. Soon, it's a showdown between me and Thalia.

"Your going down Scar Face." 

"Scar Face? Really? That's original." I reply, grinning. Thalia has stayed long enough with us for me to realise that if she gives you a nickname, it means she likes you. I take a green one. She takes a brown one. We put in our mouths at the same time.

"Oh gods. Ew. Dirt." 

"Bleh. Troll bogey. Oh, get it out get it out!!"
The compartment explodes with laughter. 

"No one wins!" Will laughs.

"Dirt! Oh, it's too good." Nico and Percy fell of the chair with laughter.

"Shut up Death-Breath." Thalia fumes at Nico.

I stop laughing. Death-breath. Are they death eaters? I really hope not. I really like these guys. However, when Percy's on the floor, his sleeve rolls down to show a black mark on his arm. Dark mark. My eyes widen and I lean in, trying to get a closer look. Percy stops laughing and pulls his sleeve down, dead serious. 

"Back off Potter."  

I shrink back, eyes wide. He's a death eater. Will looks between me and Percy.

"Um. I think it's time to change into our robes."

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