Secrets and Oracles

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12/10/18 Edit: I changed the prophecy. 


The next few days were boring. We skipped class most of the time and avoided the Toad. Jason and Piper liked to jump off the Astronomy tower at night when no one was watching and fly over the forest. Annabeth and I explored every inch of the castle, much to her amusment. Will and Nico lurked around the common room silently enoying each other's company and Leo and Calypso liked to cause mischeif with Peeves. Calypso wanted to live every moment and Leo wasn't the best influence, but I was glad she was happy and loved by someone she could stay with. Harry and Ron avoided us but I could tell it was in a 'we-respect-that-your-doing-your-own-thing-and-we-have-to-study-for-the-exams' kind of way instead of 'ew-no-get-away-from-us-you-evil-beings'. It wasn't until a couple of weeks before the end of term when things actually started happening. While us demigods were out enjoying a nice picnic down by the lake, we noticed students gathering around the front of the school. We packed up our things and went over to see what all the fuss was about. As we pushed our way to the front, I could hear someone crying. It was the divination teacher. Professor Trelawney. Filch was carrying suitcases over to her and she was sobbing. Toad walked up to her.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this." Trelawney said.

"Actually, I can." Toad held up a peice of paper. I'm guessing she was trying to kick her out of the school. That horrible-

"How dare you."

"Something you'd like to say dear?"

"Oh there is plenty I would like to say to you." I said walking up to her. "You have no right to do this." I didn't realise what I was saying until the words came out of my mouth. It was quite rude, but none of the teachers were trying to stop me.

"You may be protected by the ministry, but you have no right to speak to me that way." Umbridge said.

"You can't kick someone out of their home."

"Percy..." I head Annabeth warn from behind me. I looked back at her and she pointed at Trelawney who was next to me. She had her mouth open and her eyes glowed green. It was the Oracle of Delphi. But, how? Rachel was the oracle now. Then Trelawney spoke in a deep, raspy voice.

"Six half-bloods shall answer the call.

To thwart the darkness once and for all.

To track the path forged by death, 

One shall save the final breath. 

With the help of the wizard's kind, 

Seven objects they must find."

I felt my face pale. It was another prophecy. The whole school was silent and watching the Professor. Her eyes stopped glowing and she regained her normal composure. Then she remembered where she was and what was happening and she broke down in tears. McGonagall rushed out to comfort her. I backed away from the scene. My mind was rushing. A prophecy had been delivered in front of the whole school, about half-bloods. I turned to the demigods who also looked shocked. Annabeth nodded and we all ran towards the lake, we had to contact Chiron.

Time skip, about three days

The end of the term was nearing closer and Harry, Ron and Hermione were definitly up to something. They kept discussing things in secret and they almost always mentioned Hogs Head, one of the bars in Hogsmeade. Harry seemed to try to avoid the subject but it soon looked as if he had agreed to something. They left early Saturday morning when the students where alowed to leave on the school trip, and Leo suggested we should follow them. We all agreed but then Calypso pointed out that one, monsters could potentially attack us outside of the school boundary and two, there were to many of us to go unoticed. It was then decided that me, Annabeth, Jason and Nico would follow them while the others kept a look out. Nico seemed reluctant to leave Will to defend but Will pointed out that he wasn't completly useless when it came to fighting. We cast a cloaking spell and left the castle.

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