Library Visit

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Hey guys! 

Before you read this next chapter there are some of you who might want to go back and read the previous one. I don't know what happened, but for some reason the last part of the chapter disappeared and I had to rewrite it. I didn't include as much detail as last time, but it still has the same idea. 




After word spread about the death eaters escaping, there was a lot more rumours. Some said that they were hiding in the shrieking shack, ready to attack Hogwarts just like Black did. Most were afraid because they had grown up in wizarding families, where the names of the death eaters were just as terrifying as Voldemort's. It wasn't until a couple of days after the newspaper was delivered when Harry started to get irritated again.

"She can't cancel Quidditch!" Harry stormed around the common room. Earlier that day students had started noticing the new post on the notice board. Apparently it was from Umbridge, and it had really irritated the Gryffindor team. I think they mentioned something about how she was making teams, clubs or any kind of gathering illegal in the school. Hermione assured us that we would still hold the DA meetings, but Harry was worried about something else. Apparently Slytherin had gotten permission from Umbridge to keep playing, and Draco was making a big deal about how Gryffindor couldn't play. Since Harry wasn't on good terms with the woman, it felt like a personal blow. 

"Harry, you just can't speak out about anything in her class anymore," A girl - I think her name was Angelina - said. "Stay on her good side. Then you can go talk to her."

"She's right Harry." Hermione added, looking up from her homework. Harry's pacing stopped.

"But she's just so irritating!"

"Hear, Hear!" I said, punching my fist into the air.

"Try not to listen to her. I hate to admit it, but I tend to zone out during her lessons." Annabeth said.

"Fine." Harry muttered, then slumped into a chair. Angelina walked across the room to talk with some friends. "Any news on the prophecy?" He asked Hermione.

"Nothing!" She said, with a frustrated sigh and dropped the book onto the table. "There is nothing in the library that reference seven objects that have relevance to each other! I don't even know what to look for! The subject is so broad." 

"Have you tried the restricted section?" I ask. They look at me.

"Well, no. You need a teacher's signature to access those books." Hermione said.

"Let me try. Tomorrow morning, come with me to the library."

"Um, okay."

"Well, goodnight." I say and stand. Then, I walk out leaving Hermione and Harry very confused.

When I reach the dorm room I lock the door. I look around. Other than Jason, Nico and Will the room was empty.

"Do you have a drachma?" I ask them. Jason nods and hands me one from his robe pocket.

"Why do you need one?" Nico asks.

"I want to talk to Dumbledore." I say and grab a water bottle from my bag. I make a small column of water and place the bottle on the floor. Flipping the coin into the water, I say "Show me Dumbledore." The bearded face appeared.

"Well, this certainly is a different way to talk to people." He said. I smiled.

"Can I please have access to the restricted section of the library?"

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