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"What are you?" Hermione asked coldly. 


"What do you mean?" I asked nervously. She definitely read something, I just had to play it off and deny everything. We hadn't gotten permission from Chiron and after my dream last night, I didn't feel like telling anyone anything. I can still the blood red eyes glinting, as if he were laughing. 

"Percy. The question can't be clearer. What are you?"

"Hermione, I'm a wizard, like you," I say and start to panic. I wish Annabeth was here, she was good at thinking on her feet. 

"While I was reading, I came across a paragraph that said, "sometimes there are people among us who look just like wizards. They are anything but..." I'm obviously paraphrasing, but it said that there were people who weren't really people. They were half-bloods. Not half wizard though. Something more powerful," She looked pleadingly up at me. "Tell me the truth, Percy. Are you really a wizard?" 

I started to sweat. I was sick of the lying and the denying, but I couldn't keep doing it. I can easily tell her later, right? Maybe when everything's over, when we know that Harry is safe. But can I tell her then? We are meant to remain a secret from the world. So what do I answer then, yes or no? 

"Yes. I am a wizard." I say, and cringe inside. I will make this up to her one day. 

"I can't believe you. I give you the chance to come clean, and you lie straight to my face." She says and turns to walk off. Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed her wrist. 

"What would you have said in my place? People, like... like me are dangerous to the world. If the real Death Eaters got wind of what I was, then what's to stop them from using us to hurt you and the rest of the world?" I ask.

"I guess what's stopping them is your consciousness," She says and pulls her arm away. "As for what I would have said," she took a deep breath, "I can't tell you for my own and your safety." Hermione said and walked away. 

"I can't tell you Hermione, if I did then we would have to leave. Harry wouldn't be the only one on Voldemort's radar." I called out to her. She stopped.

"Then tell me this," she said over her shoulder, "Is Hogwarts safe with you around? If you are dangerous, then will that danger find us?" I jogged up to her. 

"As long as I am here I will do anything in my power to protect this school and the students who go here."

"Thank you Percy." She said and walked away, leaving me to the emptiness of the halls. 


"Hermione knows," I start.  

"What?!" It was the reaction I was expecting from the others. We were all gathered in the common room while the wizards where at lunch. 

"How?" Nico asked. 

"She figured it out-"

"I told you to be careful" Will said. 


"I knew the library was a bad idea," Jason said. 

"How was I supposed to know that there would be books mentioning us?!" I asked. I was getting upset now. They didn't understand exactly what happened, and they won't give me the chance to explain. 

"Percy, calm down," Annabeth said. 

"I was in a tight spot. She already knew. I tried to lie my way out, but she just got more upset with me. I don't think she knows exactly what I am, but I'm not sure. I didn't mention you guys when I said that people like me where dangerous." I take a breath. Before Nico can interrupt again, I answer the most likely thing he would say, "I had to tell her why I couldn't tell her."

"Sorry Percy, but you know, this is a big secret that concerns all of us." Jason said. 

"Should we contact Chiron?" Piper suggested. 

"No!" I shout, and she looks a bit taken-aback. I lower my voice. "Sorry Pipes. I just, I don't want Chiron to know. He probably has enough to worry about. And this is my fault. Surely it can't affect us and our mission. Hermione knows that this is important, there's no way she won't tell anyone."

"She's pretty close to Harry and Ron." Annabeth points out. "She won't keep this from them." 

"Well," I say, thinking. "I'll just have to go and tell her not to tell them. I trust her."

Babysitting Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now