Kings Cross Again

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I know that Harry was starting to trust the Americans now, but I'm his best friend. He's been hanging out less with me and Hermione and more with Percy. I know I shouldn't be jealous or anything, but I couldn't help but still be suspicious. Hermione agreed that we should protect Harry at all costs, but when he is spending a lot of time with them, it's a bit hard. So, I snuck into the common room while everyone was away because I was curious. Harry dropped the whole 'tattoo' thing but I still think it means something that they aren't telling us. The main theory is Death Eaters which is something that you can only prove with evidence. And while I was going through Nico and Will's suitcase, I found something that might prove useful.


Ron was looking at me weird the whole train ride. It was as if he knew something I didn't, which was probably true, but sometimes when I would talk to Harry, Ron would glare at me. I edged closer towards the window because Ron was seriously annoying me. Kings Cross was coming into view so Piper suggested we change. I got up to change into my normal jeans and shirt and everyone also left, leaving me and Will alone in the compartment. I turned my back to him and took of my robes, leaving the under-clothes on.

"Nico, are you alright?" Will asked from behind me.

"Just tired." I murmured.

"Ron was glaring at you quite a bit." He pointed out.

"Don't care" I said as I took of my shirt and replaced it with my favourite black one.

"Nico, I think you do." Will said.

"No. I don't care what he thinks about me." I said, changing my pants. "Although, he definitely looked like he was sort of, smug with himself. I think he knows something."

"I don't think it should bother you, that's all I'm saying."

"Yeah, it doesn't bother me anyway." I turned around to see him dressed in his camp T-shirt and jeans. He had a thick snow jacket on over the top. It was winter after all. "Um. Do you have a jacket? I don't have a thick enough one." Will smirked and nodded. He reached up to his trunk and opened it. He frowned.

"That's strange." It was messy, things weren't folded and neat like they were when we packed it in school. He pushed some things around, looking for something and he gave out a yell.

"Nico! The unicorn draught is gone!"

I cursed. I needed that if I was going to shadow travel long distance. I had gotten better at small areas, like around camp, but if I wanted to take a lot of people with me it required more effort. Then I realised.

"That," I said a word that made Will yell "Nico!", "It was Ron. He wasn't there at lunch. And it would explain why he was looking at me like that. He must have taken it from my trunk as well. Ugh, when I get my hands on him-"

"You won't do anything." Will said.

"But Will-"

"Nico, we need to act like it doesn't matter. He probably doesn't know what it is. Hopefully. If he thinks it's important then he might make a bigger deal about it. Here," He handed me a jacket from his trunk and he slammed it shut. "Now put that on and make it look like nothing is out of the ordinary. Quick, they're coming back. And don't say anything to anyone else. We don't want to alarm anyone." He heaved the trunk back up and the doors opened to show Jason, Harry, Percy and Ron. I looked quickly at Will but he shook his head slightly and I sighed. I dropped back onto the seat and stared out the window into the snow. Jason told Harry something and everyone laughed. I didn't really hear it. How dare Ron think he can go through my personal stuff? He shouldn't be allowed to get away with this, but the train slowed to a stop and the girls came in. We all grabbed our stuff and we walked off the train to meet Mrs Weasley and Ron's siblings. A weird, oldish guy was also standing there with them. He had a strange eye that seemed to swivel around and look at everything. Mrs Weasley beckoned us over and I couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy as the electric-blue eye followed me.

"Kids, this is Alastor Moody, or Mad-Eye Moody as most people call him. He's part of the Order." Mrs Weasley whispered the last part. Mad-Eye glanced around quickly.

"Let's go Molly. I'm getting a serious feeling of death from somewhere and I suggest we leave before finding out where it is coming from." He turned around and the wizards followed him. Percy and Jason turned around and looked as if they were trying to stop themselves from laughing. I glared at them. Then we walked back out through the barrier.

A car was waiting outside to take us to the location of the Order. Somehow, probably magic, we were all able to fit in the back seat. Percy and Jason started to tell jokes and the mood in the car got less awkward. It wasn't until half an hour later when it got uncomfortable.

"So, kids. Where did you say you were from?" Mad-Eye asked us.

"America" Annabeth replied.

"What school did you come from?"

"Camp Olympia." Annabeth answered again.

"I don't think that I've heard of that place. Where is it located?"

We glanced around the car. This was where it would start to get a bit harder.

"Long-Island Sound." Piper said.

"But, you said there was another school. The one where Jason comes from. Remember?" Ron grinned smugly. 

"Um, yeah. They're kind of the same school. Located in different areas, but under the same name. It's kind of like another building the school can be located in." Annabeth said.

"There's even a university on the grounds." Percy added.

"It must be pretty big. How do the muggles not see it?" Ron asked.

"Magical barrier." I said, annoyed. I had had enough of the questions.

"Well, that should be enough questions for the day." Mrs Weasley said, noticing my tone of voice.

"Is anyone still hungry? I still have the sandwiches" Hermione said. We all took a sandwich but Mad-Eye still looked uncomfortable.

"There's something wrong" He mumbled. "Powerful aura." Piper, Annabeth and Will looked at Jason, Percy and I. Now that we weren't protected by the magical barrier of Hogwarts or Kings Cross, monsters could sense our aura. They would probably be following the scent now.

"Excuse me Mad-Eye, could you please pull over. We can find our own way there." I said.

"I don't think so. There is certainly danger around, and I-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. Something hard knocked against the car and we were thrown to one side. I grabbed hold of the car and Will just had time to say "Nico, no!" before I shadow travelled out of there.

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