The Chamber of Prophecies

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"Of course I'll help you," Luna whispered. We were outside of the Ravenclaw common room (Annabeth got in and grabbed her). "I'll grab the rest of the DA."

"No, we don't need anyone else," I whispered. 

"Well if you want my help, Ginny and Neville need to come." 

"Fine," Harry said. He was getting impatient. "Jason, Piper, go get Neville and Ginny. Meet us in front of the forest." 

Jason and Piper nodded and hurried away. 


Fifteen minutes later, Harry had started fidgeting with his hands and wand. 

"We have to go!" He was yelling. 

"There they are!" Hermione called. Jason, Piper, Neville and Ginny were sprinting down the hill towards us. 

"Okay, good. Let's go. It's time to go. Remind me how Luna is going to help us?!" Harry shouted at me. 

"Calm down Harry! Come on, everyone follow Luna." I turned to Luna. "Where are the Thestrals?" She smiled and ran into the forest. We followed her into the darkness, the wizards wands lighting the way. 


After we had flown to the ministry (the thestrals were hard to convince, but they accepted once I offered them doughnuts) Harry showed us the way to the Department of Mysteries. The corridor leading to it was eerie with a side of creepy. It was a long, straight corridor with a large door at the end. 

"That's it," Harry said, pointing to the door. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ginny asked. The wizards hurried down the corridor. 

"I have a bad feeling," I said to no one in particular. 

"Same," Annabeth agreed. "But we need to protect Harry all the same. It's our quest and something tells me we've come close to the end." We hurried over to where Hermione opened the large door, the creaking adding to the eerie atmosphere. A blast of hot air hit us, the silence ringing my ears. In the room there looked to be large shelves once my eyes had adjusted to the dark. 

"Lumos," The wizards said at once. I fumbled to grab my wand from my jacket pocket. I repeated the spell and the tip of the wand lit up. Nine wands (Nico had left his in the dormitory) illuminated the room. Shelves  filled the room, aisles leading down into more darkness. On the shelves there looked to be crystal balls, each one clouded with a slightly different shade of grey. I think I saw a blue one, but that could have been a trick of the wand light. I led the way into the room. As we passed each ball, I heard whispers, each in a different voice. When all of us had made it through the door, it creaked shut. We hadn't made it very far when I stopped cold.

I had heard Rachel's voice. 

"Child of Lightning beware the earth

The giants revenge the seven will birth,

The forge and dove shall break the cage, 

And death unleash, through Hera's rage"

"What?!" Jason whispered. He had heard it too. Now that I was listening, it wasn't the only prophecy that sounded similar. 

"Wisdom's daughter walks alone,

The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.

Twins snuff out the angel's breath,

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