Update Schedule...

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Alright. I feel like this is necessary. 

Hi everyone! I'm so happy that you all enjoy my story,  and now that it's almost at 7K reads (!!!!!) I am going to release an update schedule. (This has actually no relation with 7K, I just feel like I have been procrastinating long enough) 

A lot of you have been saying in the comments "please update!" and I realised that I have been REALLY random with my updates. I might release a chapter, wait a few weeks, then release two more. 

I know, that's bad. But as more and more of you are reading, and my friend tagged me suggesting that her readers read my stories, I felt like I needed to come up with an update schedule. 

What was stopping me from doing this in the beginning was the fact that school has no certain timeline. One minute you might have no homework, and the next you are drowning in essays and assessments. So I knew that it would be very shaky and bendable depending on what was going on at school. So, keep that in mind concerning this schedule. 

Okay, so... here goes. 

I am going to try, TRY, to publish 1-2 chapters a week/fortnight. (Depending on how busy I am)

I'm scared. 

I hope you guys understand that this won't be set in stone, some weeks I might be extremely busy with stuff that I won't have time to publish or write, but I am not going to leave you guys hanging for months on end. You will have chapters to read until the very end of this book, I don't plan on discontinuing or leaving it in the dust. 

Also, should I keep this book going until the very, very end (end of deathly hallows) or should I release separate books? Leave what you want in the comments and I'll take it into consideration...

Love ya, 


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