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Harry was avoiding me. It annoyed me cause we were meant to be keeping an eye on him. Us demigods were going to be staying with Harry, Ron and Hermione at the secret location of the Order of the Phoenix. I didn't think it was such a big deal, but Harry wouldn't listen. It's all because I won't let him see my tattoo. Therefore, he thinks it okay to call us Death Eaters. We don't eat death. That would be gross.

Because Christmas was right around the corner, Dumbledore decided to call a Ball. A Christmas Ball. He said that some important guests were going to show up and that we needed to be on our best behaviour. I wasn't really planning on going, but unless you came down with an incurable disease, it was compulsory. So I was just going to hang around in a corner since Annabeth wasn't here. Then it seemed like every girl wanted to be my date, and they wouldn't take no as an answer. 

"Hey Percy" they would say, twirling their hair around their finger.

"Look, I bet you're a really nice girl, but I've already got a girlfriend" I would always reply. Then they would pout and walk away. It was really starting to get on my nerves. A week before the Ball, Hermione asked me. Ron saw and immediately asked her. As I had said no, she accepted Ron's invitation. Harry asked Ginny, who happily agreed. I'm pretty sure Malfoy tried to ask Thalia in Potions. It would explain why he would scurry away whenever he saw her. Meanwhile, I was trying to get Nico to take Will. It finally happened a few days before the dance. 

"Come on Nico. Just do it. You know he's going to say yes." I said, elbowing Nico playfully. 

"Yeah. But Hogwarts is a pretty old-style school. What if they don't like the fact that two boys are going together?" Nico sighed.

"Since when did you care what other people think?"

"Since... since..." he looked at me. "Percy, Malfoy has been noticing the way me and Will act towards each other. I would usually send someone like that to the Underworld, but then he started threatening to curse Will and I just... I just..." Nico started to choke up. "I don't want Will to get hurt." 

"Well, I've got someone like you to look after me." Nico turned around. Will stood there, arms outstretched. Nico ran and the two embraced. I grinned.

"Well, am I getting the suits or do you want to handle it yourself?" I said. Nico death glared and Will laughed. 

"Nah Perce. I've got it covered." Will said, putting his arm around Nico. "Come on Death Boy. I don't know your size." I chuckled to myself as they walked off. Finally. Jason and Piper would be thrilled.

The day of the dance arrived and I decided it was time for a swim. Even though I had a suit, it just wouldn't be the same without Annabeth. As I made my way down, the front door magically opened and about twenty people walked in. I didn't really pay much attention to who they were, they were probably the special guests Dumbledore was talking about. I walked past them but stopped when I heard her.

"Jeez Seaweed Brain. I didn't expect this as a welcome."




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