Stupid Mortals

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Dumbledore's office was amazing. There was everything. There, next to the desk, was even a phoenix.  It was beautiful. As I went to stroke its head, a voice spoke.

"Lovely isn't he?" I look up to see the old guy with the long beard.

"Dumbledore. We need to talk to you." I said, stepping away from the bird.

"Yes. I feel you do, young demigods. What is it?" Nico stood next to me.

"The Ministry knows what we are, and Umbridge wants to find out." He said.

"Yes. I had to tell Fudge. In fact, he also agreed that it would be best for you to come here, but not for the same reason as me. You see, he is very stubborn and refuses to accept the fact that Voldemort is back. I told him that we need to ask for the assistance of the gods, and he agreed. However, he wanted to keep an eye on you, he wants to know how powerful you are and how he could possibly use that. He is a greedy, stubborn man, but at least your here. I agree fully with Chiron. Do not reveal who you are. It will do you no good and you could even, if Voldemort doesn't get you first, end up in a zoo. Now run along, you want to study hard for the O.W.Ls don't you? Not that it would affect you in any way." 

He turned and signalled for us to leave. 

Well, that was informative and annoying. 

The ministry knows who we are and wants to use us for their experiments. We aren't some kind of guinea pigs. Well, I used to be, but that's beside the point. 

We walked back to the dormitory in silence. Harry was still in detention, Hermione told us when we found them in the common room. Ron glared at us and asked why we would care where he was.

"Because we want to keep an eye on him so we can stalk him forever." Nico said sarcastically. I smiled. Ron didn't. 

"Leave him alone, Death Eaters." We froze. Hermione face palmed.

"We do what to Thanatos??" Thalia practically burst out laughing.

"You heard me. Me and Harry have figured out your little secret. So you should leave this school and Harry alone."

"Dude. I think you should leave our private lives alone." Was all Nico said before he went into the domitory, followed by Will.

"We don't eat death Ron, so don't get so worked up over it." I said. He stood up.

"That's not what I meant. Your Death Eaters, Voldemort's followers. You're here to kill Harry. You have the dark mark on your arm." Ron practically yelled. The whole common room froze and looked at us. Even through it was covered by my robe, I hugged my arm to my chest. 

"That's not what this is. It's not a, what did you call it, dark mark?" I said.

"Then prove it." Ron snarled. Dam. I was stuck. I couldn't show them my tattoo. It had SPQR on it and a trident. 

"I...I...I  can't." I looked at the floor. Thailia put her hand on my shoulder and lead me towards the stairs. 

"Then I'll tell McGonagall and get you kicked out of the school." Thailia turned around to face Ron. 

"You can't, because she has to go Dumbledore, and he knows what we are. He was the one who brought us here and he wouldn't want us to leave." She said. 

"The daily prophet is right! Dumbledore's a crackpot! Letting people like you into Hogwarts!" Someone in the back shouted. 

"Don't you dare insult Dumbledore like that." Harry said, walking through the painting. I turn around.

"We are all going to forget about tonight and go straight to bed, aren't we Thailia?" 

"You want me to use the mist?" She said. Everyone was looking confused now.

"Yeah. We have to clean this mess up."

"Fine." Thaila raised her wand. "You'll forget what happened tonight. All you will remember is the Weasley twins selling their lollies." She waved her wand and was about to use the mist when Hermione shouted "she's using a forget-me-not spell!" Everyone raised their wands. Thalia tried to concentrate on the mist, but she turned back to me. 

"Their minds are too concentrated. The mist won't work." 

I cursed. Stupid Mortals. 

"Mortals?" Hermione said, lowering her wand.

I cursed again.

"Did I say that out loud?" I mentally hit myself. Then someone walked through the door. He was dressed in his normal attire, Hawaiian shirt and fishing shorts. "Dad!" I ran towards him and gave him a hug.

"Hey Percy. Just going to sort this out huh? My brother and Heca-" He stopped noticing all the people. "Zeus and Hecate don't like the mess you've gotten yourself into. I guess it was always a matter of time." He gestured to the painting which swung open to reveal Chiron in his wheelchair. Chiron waved his hand and all the Gryffindors started to go about their business again, as if nothing had ever happened. 

"Be more careful next time Percy. We might not always be available to come sort something like this out. Good thing Nico IM'd me or else we wouldn't have gotten here on time. Your dad just wanted to pop in and say hello. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go speak to Dumbledore. I haven't seen him in years." Chiron left, the painting swinging shut after him. 

"I would have come sooner, this just gave me an excuse. So, how are you going at this new school? I hope you don't blow it up like the last one. Oh, and by the way, your mum sends her love and apologises that she couldn't come. The baby is taking up a lot of her energy. It's actually amazing to watch. Her belly is huge! I've never seen anything like it, probably cause I left before you were born." He smiled. "I have to go now, your uncle won't like that I came here, goodbye Percy." He disappeared, leaving behind the faint smell of the ocean. I turned around. Hermione, Ron and Harry were gaping at me.

"Who was that?" Harry asked.

"My dad. Pretty cool huh?"

"I thought you said you didn't have a dad."

"No, I just said that I live with my mum and step-dad, my dad lives somewhere else."

"Did your parents break up?" Ron asked.

"No, not really. They were never together." Ron looked horrified. I grinned at his reaction. 

"But, you can apparate in and out of Hogwarts." Hermione said.

"He wasn't apparating." And with that, I left. Time to get some sleep, even though I probably won't get much. 

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