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Being friends with Percy was great. He was really fun to be around. The first meeting for the DA was to be organised on the last weekend of term and I wasn't sure how to start the defence lessons off. I thought that we should probably start with the disarming charm, but I also wanted to give them something that they haven't learnt yet. In second year, most of us watched Snape perform the disarming charm so some would know how to use it, but some wouldn't. So, I asked Percy. He seemed to know enough about spells.

"You want me to help some of the lessons?" He grinned.

"Yes, if you wouldn't mind."

He nodded. "I think you should start with disarming. It's the most basic but necessary skill."

"You seem to know a lot about fighting, Percy." I said with a sly smile.

"Oh, you have no idea." He laughed.

The day soon came when we all needed to meet in the Room of Requirement. We had to be careful not to be seen or draw too much attention towards the DA. So, we took it in turns heading out of the common room and going up to the seventh floor. I was somewhat thrown off by the amount of people who showed up, people from Hogs Head brought others who had promised not to tell. I stood in front of all these people, slightly swaying from side to side. I had fought a dragon and Voldemort. And now I was getting stage fright. Percy saw my dicomfort and walked up to stand next to me.

"Hey guys! Okay, so first we're going to show you to how to disarm your opponent. This is the most basic and important skill anyone can acquire. Now, I just want you to know, it may not come easily to some of you. But, don't get discouraged. Not everything comes on first try."

"Now, me and Percy will demonstrate." I said quickly. Percy let out a small yelp. To be honest, I hadn't actually seen him perform any spells. He mainly skipped those sorts of lessons. I don't know why. He stood at one end of the room while I stood at the other. He quickly glanced at Annabeth who shrugged. He looked panicked. Out of his robes he pulled out his wand and held it out. I got ready and soon we both locked eye contact.

"Expelliarmous!" I shouted. Percy's wand flew out of his hand, with the same pen that I had seen in the forest. I caught both. "Dude. Why does this keep flying out?" Percy guestured for the pen but Ron grabbed it first.

"It must have some dark magic in it!"

"Oh, Ron. Lay off it will you. They're my friends now. Give it back to-" I stopped. Ron had uncapped the pen, transforming it into a sword. Percy cursed in what I presumed was Greek.

"You idiot" Thaila said. "You carry that around the school?" She turned to Percy.

He shrugged. "Just in case." He mumbled. Annabeth took out her wand and pointed it at Ron. The sword flew out of his hand and Percy caught it with his reflexes. The lid flew back to him as well and he capped it, turning it back into a pen. Thaila also pointed her wand at the room and everyone had a misty look on them. Even Ron. She turned to me, but Percy put his hand out.

"Not him Tals. He's my friend now, and I seriously don't want to keep any secrets from him."

"Don't you dare tell him. And don't ever call me Tals. I despise that name. If you call me that again, Fish Boy, I will personally send you to the Underworld." Thaila shot back at Percy. She lowered her wand. Everyone in the room turned to me, eyes normal. I looked quizzically at the Americans then proceeded to pair everyone up to perform the spell. I decided I would ask Percy about it later.


After the lesson I held Percy back. He gestured at the others,

"You guys go ahead" And then turned to me. "Yeah Harry?"

"What was all that about?" Percy nervously stared at the ground.

"Listen, Harry. I really want to be friends with you and I hate keeping secrets from you,"

"Then don't!" I was getting sick of the secrets. He looked up at me and gave me a lopsided grin.

"I'm sorry Harry. I can't tell you. I just hope we can get past all that." He turned to leave and walked out, leaving me in the room alone. I hated mysteries, and I was determined to figure this one out. However, Percy seemed genuine so I decided to put it off for now, he was a great guy.


Guys, I am sooooo sorry about not being frequent with publishing. School has just gotten really busy and at the moment I have a couple of chapters I haven't published, but I'm not quite sure how to continue from where it is now. I'll figure it out so it should be fine 😄

Also, 1K reads!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the most any of my stories have gotten. I'm so proud of my story and grateful of you guys. Thanks so much and don't forget to comment on anything you might like to have happen or that I should fix. It might help with the writers block :D

Love ya,

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