Trust Issues

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The dance ended soon after that. Dumbledore pulled Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Will, Nico, Thaila, Annabeth and me aside and told us that the train would be leaving in about three weeks to take us to Kings Cross and from there the Weasley's would take us to Grimmauld place. We waved goodbye to our parents and Frank and Hazel and went up to the Gryffindor common room. Frank had to stay at Camp Jupitor because of his new responsibilities and Hazel didn't want him to be lonely. I loved the reactions of my friends as they stepped into the Gryffindor common room for the first time. Annabeth was amazed at how the painting was able to swing back and Leo was trying to figure out which stairs led to the boys dorms. After Leo failed to climb the stairs to the girls dorms, the girls said goodnight and went up to Thalia's room. Us boys led the way to our dorm where extra beds had been made. It looked slightly cramped, but we managed. Harry and Ron where still sulking in the corner. I walked up to them and sat down on the bed.

"Listen. Can you please just drop whatever you have against us? I would really like to be friends." I said to Harry. His face seemed to soften but Ron didn't look happy.

"We will only drop it if you show us the tattoo on your arm and prove that your not death eaters." Ron said. I frowned and looked over to where Jason was watching.

"Bro. What can we do?" I asked.

"Perce. We can't show them. It'll raise too many questions that can't be answered." I turned around to face Ron again.

"Me and Jason are the only ones with the tattooes so leave the others alone. At least they can be your friends." Ron crossed his arms but said nothing. Harry spoke up.

"Listen Percy. I know we've been really mean to you, but I swear there's a good reason. You see, Death Eaters work for Voldemort, the Dark Lord. They carry out his bidding and last year, I saw one of them kill my friend. Voldemort tried to kill me when I was a baby Percy. He killed my mum and dad and tried to turn on me but the curse rebounded on him and instead he died. But now he's back and he will try and kill me." I looked down.

"I can't imagine loosing my mum so I don't really know what you're going though. But Harry, I have lost friends. More than you have and I will protect the ones I still have. I would go to hell and back for them. So please stop accusing them." Leo chuckled. "Yes, Flame Man, I said hell and back. Now get over it." I rolled my eyes and started laughing too. Harry and Ron looked confused. I stopped laughing. "I know. If we're going to be friends now, we should know a little about each other. I think the girls do it." Nico shot up from his bed and death glared me. "No, not that sort of thing, just some lil' stuff so we can trust each other. Harry has already gone, so why don't I go? Okay, um, well I was raised by my mum and a guy I nicknamed Smelly Gabe. He was abusive and horrible but my mum put up with him for my sake. No I will not tell you exactly why. When I turned twelve, my friend Grover brought me to Camp and I found out that I was special. A couple years later I met Nico and his sister. Then a couple of years later I was taken in the middle of the night to this other wizarding school and me and Jason kind of did a bit of a swap and then we found each other and then we all became really good friends. The end." I finished.

"A swap?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. I'm not really going to go into the details but me and Jason subconsciously swapped schools and ended up reuniting the two in harmony. Although, we did cut it pretty close. They almost tore each other apart." I grinned. "Your turn Jason."

"Well. I guess I start at the beginning. Thaila is my older sister but I couldn't remember her until recently when I found her again. See, my mum gave me to these people who raised me and then when I was old enough I started at the school. Thaila was mad at my mum and she ran away when she was nine because she thought I was dead. She went on to find Percy's school and stuff happened there. She never uses our last name. I became what you would call a 'head boy' at my school but then I was taken away, swapped with Percy and ended up meeting Leo and my girlfriend Piper. That's about it." Jason pointed at Leo. "Your turn."

"Okay then. Um. My mum raised me alone but I had a baby sitter who turned out to be one of the teachers at our school. When I was seven my mum was killed by a lady who would probably be your equivalent to Voldewarts. She was one creepy lady. I kept getting adoptive familes but always ran away. Then I ended up at this school that wasn't for wizards and I met Piper. Then we met Jason and then we met all the others and then we took down Creepy Lady. But then I almost died and met Calypso. Ta-da! Nico, your turn."

"Um. I don't really want to go." Nico looked down then fell back onto the bed and pretended to sleep. Will nudged him but he wouldn't open his eyes. Will shrugged.

"I don't really have much of a back story but I'm a medic at the school and I take care of this guy." He nudged Nico again, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully now. "Nico doesn't like talking about what he went through because it's not happy, it brings back bad memories. His mum was killed by his uncle and he and his sister were taken away. He thought that she would always be there for him, but after they met Percy his sister left him to join a group of all girl wizards and left Nico alone. She eventually died protecting Percy and the others. Then when he thought he finally had found a chance to get her back, he found that she had left him again and he found Hazel, his half-sister. Although he loves Hazel, she's just not quite Bianca." Will looked down and smiled at Nico. "Although he tries to put on this 'tuff-guy' act, he's hurting a whole lot inside." We all turned to Harry and Ron who were looking dumb struck.

"You see?" I said. Harry looked down.

"We're sorry guys. For everything." Harry said. Ron looked down and muttered something incoherent.

"Speak up." Jason said.

"I still think there's something wrong with you lot." Ron said louder.

"Unbelievable." I mumbled and walked over to my bed. "Think what you want, but now you have a small idea of what's wrong with our lives. Goodnight." I said to them and slipped under the covers.

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