The Christmas Ball

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The Christmas Ball was amazing. The Great Hall was decorated with fairy lights and candles. Everything was as white as the snow outside. I was dressed in a normal black suit with a green tie to match my eyes. Ginny had picked it out. She was dressed in a green dress that matched my tie. The dress flowed to her knees and her hair was up in a bun. She looked like a princess. Her beauty was only rivalled by Hermione. Ron didn't really want to wear a yellow tie, but Hermione insisted because it matched her dress. The dress's sleeves stopped at her elbows and flowed down to her ankles. The colour started white then faded to yellow. Her curly brown hair was down and Ron couldn't take his eyes off of her. The music hadn't started but there was quite a bit of noise being made from the students. Dumbledore stood up with his purple and gold robes and addressed all of us.

"Thank you all for coming. And might I add, everybody looks stunning. As I mentioned before, there was to be some special guests. I will call them in shortly, but first a little bit about them. In America there is a wizarding school called Ilvermorny. Not a lot of people know about the other. They call it Camp Olympia. In fact, it is one of the schools that produces the most powerful people. Tonight, we have a few students and teachers that have come to greet us. They don't really like to make themselves known, so we are very lucky." Dumbledore smiled.

I looked around. There was no sign of the exchange students. Where were they? Maybe they forgot. Or thought they were so special they didn't need to? I didn't realise Dumbledore was still speaking until he gestured to the doors. 

"Let's not hold them back long, I introduce to you the professors of Camp Olympia." The great doors opened and fourteen adults walked in. Well, thirteen walked if you don't include the man who was in a wheelchair. There were two at the front, obviously the equivalent to Dumbledore and Mcgonagal. The female was dressed in a white dress that flowed to her ankles and the man was in a suit that was the brightest blue. The teachers that followed weren't that special, until the most beautiful woman I had ever seen walked in. Her hair was a blonde and fell to her waist. She was wearing a turquoise dress that stopped past her knees. I don't know what it was about her. All the guys in the room were looking at her. When all the teachers had filled in, Dumbledore spoke again.

"Now, as to the personal request of Professor Dité" the stunning woman nodded at Dumbledore, "the students will be announced in couples,
"Thalia Grace" 

Thalia walked in. She was wearing a leather jacket and a purple singlet with black jeans. Her hair was down and you could see her bracelets. Why wasn't she with someone? I chuckled inside thinking about how Malfoy had attempted to ask her.

"Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque" 

A muscled boy and a small girl walked in. The girl was wearing a gold dress and leggings. Her curly dark brown hair was down and bounced as she walked. The boy looked older then her, but only in the height. They both looked fifteen.

"Jason Grace and Piper McLean" 

Thalia had a brother? A blonde boy walked in wearing a blue suit. He had a cut on his lip and didn't look a thing like Thalia. Maybe the were adopted. The girl next to him looked amazing. She was wearing a short pink dress that sparkled as she walked. She wore pink, silk, shoulder-length gloves. She seemed to be uncomfortable in what she was wearing and kept glaring at Professor Dité. Her hair was light brown with feathers hanging from it and it was thrown over her shoulder, but she kept trying to mess it up.

"Leo Valdez and Calypso" 

A brown haired boy walked in holding a beautiful girl in a white dress that started to fall at the thigh and continues on a diagonal until her ankle. (Sorry. Hard to describe that kind of dress don't judge) They both had a grin on their faces that told me they laughed a lot.

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