Good Riddance

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Umbridge and a bunch of Slytherins restrained us in her office. The big idiot - Goyle - had my arms behind my back; he was stronger than he looked. Harry was forced to sit in a chair in front of Umbridge. 

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Umbridge whispered. Even when her voice is soft she still sounds sinister. I looked over at Annabeth who was looking worriedly at Harry.

"No" Harry said simply. Umbridge moved faster than I thought possible and slapped Harry's face. I struggled against Goyle's grip.

 Snape walked into the office. 

"You sent for me, Headmistress?" He said. 

"Snape! Yes. The time has come for answers whether he wants to give them to me or not." Umbridge paused, "Have you brought the Veritaserum?" 

"I'm afraid you used it all interrogating the students," Snape said. He looked down at Harry. "Unless you would like to poison him, in which case I would have the greatest sympahy if you did." My hands found the pocket in my robes that had Riptide. Goyle tried to stop me, but I managed to grab the pen. 

"I cannot help you," Snape turned to leave. 

"He's got Padfoot," Harry said. Snape stopped. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

"Padfoot?" Umbridge demanded. "Do you know what he's talking about?" 

"I have no idea," Snape closed the door behind him. Harry looked defeated. 

"Very well," Umbridge said. She grabbed her wand and paced in front of Harry. "You give me no choice Potter. As this is a matter of Ministery security, you leave me with no alternative." She faced Harry. "The Cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

"But that's illegal!" Hermione screamed. 

"What Cornellius doesn't know won't hurt him." Umbridge held her wand up and pointed it at Harry. I could see my friends struggling against the Slytherins. Goyles grip loosened - probably at the thought of Harry being tortured.  I kicked him, he doubled over and I held the pen out to her. 

"Don't you dare," I spat. 

"What could a pen do?" She smiled and turned back to look at Harry. I climbed over the desk. she waved her wand and -

"Don't touch him," I held Riptide to her throat. Her eyes widened. 

"Celestial Bronze can't hurt me," she whispered. 

"You know what this is?" I asked. 

"Of course, I've seen it before. Those half-breed centaurs use it all the time."

"Well then, it's a good thing my friend over there has Imperial Gold." I nodded at Jason. 

"Swords and knifes can't hurt a wizard who still holds her wand," Umbridge smiled. "Expelliarmous!" Riptide flew out of my hand and bounced off the door with a clutter. She did the same thing to Jason, his coin flying out of his pocket. 

"I still want to know what Americans like you are doing here," Umbridge said slyly, wand pointed at my chest. I stepped back. "Maybe cursing you will loosen both of your tongues!" 

"Just tell her!" Hermione screamed. We all faced her.

"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked. 

"Yeah Hermione, tell her what?" I glared at her, trying to get her to hold her tongue. 

"Where Dumbledore's secret weapon is." 

Well that wasn't what I expected her to say, but Umbridge still bought it. She led me, Harry and Hermione out of the office. 

Babysitting Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now