The Final Duel

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"Ahhhhhh!" Everyone screamed. We were falling down the hole in the floor when we suddenly came to a stop before we face planted into the stone below us. 

"Ow," Will rubbed his shoulder as we stood up. 

"Where are we?" Piper asked. We were in a large stone room with only one exit; the roof where we fell from. In centre there was a stone archway. 

"The voices." Harry muttered. "What are they saying?" 

"There are no voices Harry." Hermione said. But there were. I could hear them. There were voices, male and female that were whispering. It seemed to be coming from the centre of the room. 

"Shut up," Nico told the archway. Harry looked up at the hole in the roof. 

"Get behind me!" He shouted. Clouds of smoke were flying straight towards us. They surrounded us. I could feel hands grabbing at my hair, pulling me over to the side of the room. They snatched my wand but let Riptide (in pen form) stay in my other hand. The smoke cleared, showing everyone except Harry around the room, with a - what I now assumed were death eaters - cloaked figure holding a wand at their throats. Harry was left standing in the middle, prophecy in his hand. 

"Did you really think that we would let you get away that easily?" Malfoy asked, walking towards Harry. "Give me the prophecy, or watch your friends die." 

Harry looked at us. I could see Annabeth struggling against her death eater, but he held her tighter. She let out a yell. I uncapped Riptide slowly. My death eater didn't notice, not yet. Harry gave the crystal ball to Malfoy, looking very mad. 

"See," Malfoy grinned. "Was that so hard?" I cut my death eater on the leg. It was shallow, the robes protecting him, but it was enough to distract him. I threw the sword straight at Malfoy, piercing the prophecy and cracking it to shards. Riptide kept flying, lodging itself in the opposite wall. Everyone turned to me. 

"Not that hard, I don't think." I said. 

"Get him!" Malfoy yelled. 

A bright light and smoke filled the room. 

"Stay away from my godson and his friends," A familiar voice said. When the white smoke cleared, I could see Sirius standing there, wand ready. Other bright, white smoke figures zoomed in, revealing each member of the Order. The death eaters let the rest of my friends go, their attention now on the new threats. Spells were firing from every direction. I grabbed my wand and ran over to Annabeth. 

"Get the other wizards out of here," I shouted over the noise. 

"I can't leave you!" She shouted back. 

"I'll be fine, Will and Nico will stay. We'll protect Harry but I can't do that worrying about other wizards. Go!" I yelled over my shoulder, running across the room to Riptide. I pulled it out of the stone in time to deflect a spell that a death eater had fired at me. He was sprinting towards me. An arrow sailed through the air, lodging itself in the wall inches from the death eaters nose. I turned to see Will grinning. He was fighting next to Nico who was protecting Neville, Ginny and Ron. They seemed to be holding out on their own. 

"Avada Kadavra!" The green light sailed passed my ear, missing it by millimetres. I turned to see Malfoy send another spell at me. I jumped out of the way. 

"You destroyed the prophecy!" He screeched at me. I deflected another spell with Riptide. I backed up the stone steps to the middle where Harry and Sirius were fighting. 

"Expelliarmous!" Harry yelled. Malfoy's wand flew out of his hand. 

"Thanks man." I breathed. Harry grinned. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the other students hiding with Annabeth, Jason and Piper. Nico and Will were running over to me. 

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