The Lightning Thief

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"You stole a book?!" Ron exclaimed. Hermione shushed him.

"Yes Ron, get over it." The book she was holding was blue with gold lettering on the front. It looked like something out of a muggle library.

"But why would you take that?" I asked.

"Because it's strange isn't it? A muggle fictional novel is in a wizard's restricted section. There must be something special about it."

"But what has 'The Lightning Thief' got anything to do with the prophecy?" Ron asked, reading the cover.

"The blurb!" Hermione exclaimed and turned the book over.

"Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek God." Hermione read. "In this book there are half-bloods but instead they're half mortal and half god!"

"It's a blue hard covered book with THE LIGHTNING THIEF written on the front and that written on the back. How does that help us? Yeah, it might be about half-bloods like the prophecy says, but it's a muggle fiction. That means that it's not real, right?" Ron said.

"That's what I thought, until I read the first page," Hermione said, opening to the first chapter.


Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advise is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mum or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.

Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.

If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.

But if you recognise yourself in these pages - if you feel something stirring inside - stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come after you .

Don't say I didn't warn you.

My name is Percy Jackson. I'm twelve years old.

"Merlin's Beard" I say.

"Bloody Hell," Ron says.

"That's Percy's name. He's in the book" I whisper.

"Yeah, and look when it was published. 2005. That's ten years in the future! Percy isn't fifteen. If he is, then how is this book about him?" Hermione asked. I stare at her in disbelief.

"On Christmas Night, at dinner. He laughed when we said half-blood and said that he was one too," Ron starts. "They all did."

"He's half-god" I whispered. 

"Yeah, it certainly looks that way doesn't it?" Hermione said sadly.

"What about his friends?" Ron asked.

"Well, there is a certain possibility isn't there?" Hermione asked. "He tried to lie to my face earlier about it. He says that if people knew then You-Know-Who could use him to hurt us. He said that people like him are dangerous."

"But if he's half-god then one of his parents must be a god right?" I asked.

"That's were his story comes in," Hermione explained. "He said he lives with his mum and step-dad. He went to a camp that was for wizards and then Jason and Percy did a 'swap' and both switched schools."

"So who is his godly parent then?" Ron asked.

"His dad," Hermione said.

"But, we met him" I say, putting the pieces together. "He said he was sorry, and then we overheard him talking about how he felt guilty for my parents dying because he was related to my dad. Oh my gosh. I'm-"

"Related to a god," Hermione finished. I couldn't believe it.

"Bloody Hell" Ron swore again.

"Harry, do you want to sit down?" Hermione asked. I shook my head.

"I need to find Percy."

"No need." 

We all turned to see Percy standing behind us. His face was dark. 

"I trusted you Hermione," He said. 

"I couldn't keep it from Harry, he's related to you after all."

"Give me the book." 

Hermione hugged it close, but I snatched it off her and gave it to him. She looked at me and I gave her a look that hopefully said, talk about it later

"The Lightning Thief." Percy read. 

"It's about you," Ron said. 

"I know. I overheard. I came to find Hermione to tell her not to tell you guys, and it looks like she did it before I could stop her." Percy said, still looking at the book. 

"Percy?" I say. He looks up, this time he is smiling. 

"This is fiction. It's all made up, even you should know that Hermione." He said and put the book into his bag. 

"But they are about you, how can you still deny it?" I ask.

"Because you have no idea what you're dealing with," Percy said. 

"So is your dad a greek god?" Hermione asks.


"Percy. This isn't about you anymore. I want to know more about my family." I demanded. 

"Look, Harry. I can't tell you. You're a wizard. There isn't anything more you can learn-" 

"Enough!" I yell. "Why won't you just tell me the truth? I'm your great-grandson or something. But that's not possible Percy! The only way I think that that is even physically possible is if your dad is a god!"


"I've been kept in the dark my whole life, there are still stuff I don't know the answer to! I'm sick of people keeping secrets from me!" I yelled. "Why can't you answer a simple question? What are you?" 

"Harry. I'm sorry. Fine. You are descended from a god. They were asked to help out in the previous wizard war, but they didn't. This time, they didn't want to make the same mistake so they sent us." Percy explained. 

"Then, what are you?" Ron asked. 

"Someone that takes care of the gods dirty work."

"So," I started. I still hadn't registered what he was saying. I was descended from a god? "Who am I descended from?"

"Hang on. The guy you were talking to on Christmas. That was your dad and he was saying that he was Harry's great-great-grandad. You're also descended from a god. We were right!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"No, he's my adopted dad. He's also a god."

"Alright..." Hermione said, however she didn't look entirely convinced. 

"Any more questions?" Percy asked irritably. 

"Percy-" I started.

"Good. Bye" Percy said and walked off. 

"Um," I said. 

"Anyone else get the feeling he completely lied to us just then?" Ron asked. 

"Yeah, definitely." Hermione said. 

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