Back to School

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The train ride back was fun. Harry seemed to lighten up a bit, but Ron still hadn't forgotten about what I did to him. I tried apologising, but soon I gave up. Ron did sometimes crack a joke, and I learnt that he did have a smile. At least, when he's around me. We also found out that Harry was required to take Occulmancy classes with Snape after having a vision of Arthur Weasley getting hurt by a snake. I wondered if having those sorts of dreams was part of the demigod gene in him. I still couldn't get over the fact that I was his great-grandfather once removed or something like that. Although, my dad had said that we should just consider him my cousin.

"Percy, I've been meaning to ask you; you're fifteen right?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, I turned fifteen in August, just before school." I replied.

"So how could you have taken an entrance exam to get into university?"

"Oh. Um, well," I started, "At my school there is a university on the grounds and our school finishes after fifth year." I said, shakily.

"Okay cool." Harry said, seeming happy with my answer. I breathed a mental sigh of relief. He believed my story.

"How long will you be staying at Hogwarts then?" Hermione asked.

"We don't know yet. We will leave when the headmaster calls us back." Annabeth replied.

"Actually, I think we're waiting on our defence teacher for that." Jason said.

"Yeah, no offense Jason, but your dad probably wouldn't call us back. I doubt he even cares." Piper said.

"Non taken" Jason said, smiling. The train rolled along the track and Hermione suggested we change into our robes. The girls went of to the female toilets and we (the boys) went to the male one. Nico and Will decided to stay in the carriage again.

After we changed it didn't take long for the train to roll up to the station and we headed to the thestral-drawn carriages.

The welcome-back feast wasn't as big or amazing as the one we had on the first day, but it still tasted as good. I even managed to smuggle the blue cookies my mum had given me into the Great Hall and handed them around. Everyone seemed confused at first but the they tried it and asked for seconds. I chuckled as I handed Ron his third cookie.

"Why is it blue?" Harry asked sceptically as he handled his second cookie.

"My mum makes them out of spite. My step father insisted that there was no such thing as blue food and now she makes nothing else." I said, smiling.

"They're really good." Ron said with his mouth full. Ginny giggled at her brother trying to stuff as much food into his face.

"Much better than Mum's." The Weasley twins said at the same time.


School was boring. Even though in class we made things float and explode, I found myself falling asleep whenever they mentioned the word 'O.W.L.S'. Umbridge was just as bad as always. One time I fell asleep in my hand while listening to her go on about the first time the disarming spell was used and referring to the textbook constantly, when I dozed off and banged my head on my desk. I had grinned sheepishly and slid down in my chair.

Harry came back to the common room late almost every night. He was always irritated, muttering about where Snape should stick his wand. We learnt not to ask him about it too frequently or else he might snap at us. Once me and Jason joined in and started muttering and complaining about Snape; we went to bed with enlarged noses. Ron and the twins couldn't get enough of that. Harry had thought that we were mocking him and the next morning he wouldn't stop apologising.

The DA was the only thing I looked forward too. So far we had learnt stunning and disarming spells. I tried to help Harry out as much as I could, but it soon came apparent that I knew nothing about magic incantations. This week we were learning about the spell to ward off dementors.

"You have to think of your happiest memory, then say Expecto Patronum" Harry said, waving his wand. A stag flew out of it and pranced around the room. Everyone awed at the blue made-of-light stag. Harry waved his wand again and it disappeared. "Now, it's your turn." He gestured to us. Everyone spread out around the room. There were shouts of expecto patronums from around the room. Some could form whole animals, others had balls of lights floating around them. Hermione waved her wand and an otter leapt out and swam through the air around her. Ron had what looked like a Jack Russell run around the room. Neville only had a speck of light come out of his. He tried again but nothing really happened.

I concentrated on my happiest memory.

Kissing Annabeth for the first time in the volcano.

Underwater kiss.

Getting my memories back.

Seeing Annabeth for the first time after loosing my memories.

Finding out I was getting a sister.

Seeing all my friends smile.

"Expecto Patronum!"

A blue dolphin sprung from the tip of my wand and flew around the room as if it was swimming through the air.

"Expecto Patronum!" Annabeth said from behind me. A honey bee flew out and buzzed around my dolphin, both happily playing in the air. I look around the room and see Jason's parrot flying with Piper's otter and Will and Nico together as their Deer and Wolf snuggled together above them. 

The next day at breakfast Hermione let out a yelp from behind her newspaper. She moved a milk jug out of the way and showed us the front page where ten black and white photos of moving witches and wizards were jeering up at us. They each had captions underneath, but the moving photos made it very hard to read. 

"What does it say?" Piper asked looking at the front page as if she was assessing it. 

"That ten prisoners broke out of Azkaban and the ministry thinks that Sirius was the one who helped. Rita Skeeter wrote it," Hermione said. "It's utter rubbish because it's obvious who really did it." She said in a low tone. 

"Voldywarts" Jason said in a dead-serious tone that caused the trio to break out in laughter that caused many glares from other Gryffindors. 

"Exactly" Hermione said between giggles. 

Babysitting Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now