Owl Post

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It was a good thing we had Thaila. If she hadn't created the mist to block the fact that my pen turned into a sword, we would have been in worse trouble than last time.

It was the last day at Hogwarts. We were all sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast (pancakes with blue syrup) when the mail arrived. I found it quite amazing how the mail was delivered by owls in the wizarding world. Even though Iris messaging was quicker, Owl Post seemed a lot more magical. All the owls flew in, I noticed one in particular, headed straight to me.

"Kelp?" I asked Annabeth.

"I sent him to camp a couple of days ago. Figured it would look more normal if they contacted us through Owls rather than IM." She said. I had given Kelp to her on the first day she came here. Annabeth immediately fell in love with the grey owl and would sometimes visit the Owlery when I was down by the lake. Kelp held out his leg to Annabeth and she read who it was addressed too.

"It's for you Percy." She handed me the envelope. I opened it carefully, in case it exploded in my face. Apparently letters in this world could do that. Inside was a letter written by Chiron, seemingly in Ancient Greek because I could read it easier than english.

Dear Percy,

I am sorry to have to do this, but I must ask a favour of you nine. There is some trouble at camp, I won't go into detail here, but Leo and Calypso are required back here immediately. Artemis would also like to have Thaila back with the Hunters as she wants to take them somewhere. I hope you understand and I am sorry because it seemed that you were all enjoying yourselves, but this is unavoidable.

I expect that the remaining six of you will do your best to protect Harry and our secret. The wizarding world is depending on you.

Also, I took into consideration the prophecy that you were given after you IM'd me. Since the whole school now knows about 'half-bloods', I suggest you be more careful from now on. 



I reread the letter to the others in Ancient Greek. The prophecy still made no sense, and Chiron hadn't given any hints regarding what it might be about. Leo, Calypso and Thaila stood up after hearing the letter.

"We better start packing early. The train back to Kings Cross leaves soon and we have to contact Mrs Weasley." Calypso said and the three of them left. Ron snapped his head round to face us.

"Why must they contact my mum?"

"Cause they won't be staying with us over the Christmas break. Something has come up and they are needed back at the school." Jason said.

"Actually, we all should start packing. The train to Kings Cross leaves after lunch and we wouldn't want to miss it." Piper said, standing. The rest of us followed suit, Harry, Hermione and (reluctantly) Ron. The girls split off to their rooms and us boys went up to our room to pack.

"So, what's Grimmauld Place like?" Will asked.

"It's... interesting. You can't see it unless you know where it is, so it is a good hiding place for the Order. My Godfather, Sirius Black owns it and he is very grumpy about it in my opinion. He isn't allowed to leave the house. It's very dark and dusty cause it hasn't been used in twelve years, more or less." Harry explained.

"So it's perfect for you." Ron said under his breath to Nico. Unfortunately for him, Nico heard.

"Look, just because my dad is mysterious and I like black clothes and I like sad music does not mean I like dark and dusty houses." Nico snapped.

"Well," Jason said cautiously, "You kind of do like dark places."

"That's not the point, Grace." Nico said folding his arms. "Ron shouldn't just assume." He slammed his trunk down and picked it up. It seemed to be too heavy for him, so he pulled out his wand and the trunk floated in the air. "You know, magic is good for some things." He mumbled. Leo rushed in to the dormitory.

"Nico, can you do your thing? We need to get back ASAP." He said. Nico thought for a moment.

"Sure Valdez-"

"Nico no! It's like, across the world. You could end up in China again and you would be too tired to get back to the right place." Will looked at Leo, "Can't you just get my dad to take you?" Leo looked uncomfortable.

"Well, no. He's kind of the reason that we're needed back. Chi-" Leo looked at Harry who was still in the room. "Well," He cursed. "Mr Brunner just IM'd us, he didn't go into much detail, but apparently it's urgent. We need Nico." Will looked at Nico. Nico seemed to want to go.

"Well, if you need to be there now, then I'll come too. And we'll bring this." He grabbed a bottle of unicorn draught. "Come on then." He followed Nico and Leo out of the room. Harry looked at me and Jason, expecting an answer.

"He's the only one who can, what did you call it that night with my dad... apparating? Yeah. Nico's the only one who can do that." I said. Harry looked confused but seemed to shrug it off as he turned back to his case. Once we had all packed, we headed down to the common room to wait for the girls. About ten minutes later, the girls came down, laughing and giggling. A few minutes later Nico shadow traveled back looking weary, but still standing. That is, until he colapsed onto Will's shoulder.

"I told you that it was a bad idea." Will mumbled as he stood Nico upright and threw his arm over his own shoulder. Nico mumbled back some sort of response and Will laughed. 

"Well, let's go down to lunch." Jason said and we all left our trunks in the common room to go down to eat.


Percy was definitely hiding something from me, but I didn't want to bug him about it. He would tell me when he wanted to. However, it didn't explain the reason why Nico can apparate at the age of fifteen or how he can do it in Hogwarts. Hermione seemed pretty upset by the fact as well, so she had that 'my head hurts because I'm thinking to much' expression. Ron walked down with us, but he mumbled something about forgetting his wand and he turned around and left.

 When we reached the hall, most people were already there, saying their goodbyes and stuff. We managed to grab some sandwiches (Hermione wrapped them in napkins for the train) before Filch ushered everyone back up to the dormitories to fetch their trunks. Ron met me as I exited the hall. He was smirking and stuffing something in his robes.

"You found it?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied and we followed the others back up to the common room.

Soon we were on the train back to Kings Cross, eating the sandwiches and laughing. I was exited because in a couple of hours, I would be seeing Sirius again.

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