I Want a Phoenix

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"And as you can see from the list and evidence provided, they have been going against the orders of the ministry." Umbridge proudly stated. I mean, she was beaming with joy at the fact that she had found us in the room of requirement.

She had brought us to Dumbledore's office where we stood in front of the headmaster. Harry and Will stood next to me and Umbridge was at Dumbledore's desk. At the back of the room I could see Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix.

"These boys have been going against my orders and violating the rules I have set in place." Umbridge said. Dumbledore looked amused.

"And what orders would that be, Dolores?" Dumbledore asked with a sly smile. I held back a snicker.

"Educational decree number sixty-eight. Students cannot have any organisation unapproved by the high-inquisitor, which," Umbridge smiled, "would be me."

The door slammed open and - who I assumed was the Minister for Magic - strode in followed by a boy with flaming red hair.

"Dolores! What is the meaning for you to call me out to Hogwarts this late in the day?" The Minister demanded.

"I have proof of what I suspected from the start." Toad nodded at Filch who showed the Minister the list of names of the DA. On top, in Hermione's handwriting, was DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY. "The fear that you-know-who had returned was nothing more than a lie to provide a smoke-screen to seize control of the Ministry."

"Is this true Dumbledore?" The minister asked.

"No! Dumbledore had nothing to do with this!" Harry shouted. Will nudged him with his foot but Harry ignored him. "It was me!" The adults turned to Harry. Umbridge and Filch glared daggers at Harry and Toad fumbled for her wand. I put my hand into my pocket, gripping Riptide. It's blade can't hurt mortals, but it might be able to rebound a spell.

"Very noble of you Harry to defend me," Dumbledore's eyes flickered to my pocketed hand, "but the writing on the paper says 'Dumbledore's army' not 'Potter's'. Indeed, I did instruct Harry to form this organisation, and I and I alone am responsible for it's activity."

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet, if we hurry we can still make the morning paper. Dolores and Percy, please escort Dumbledore to Azkaban where he will await trial for conspiracy and sedition." The red head - who I assumed was the Percy he was talking too - moved closer to Dumbledore.

"No!" I jumped forward in front of the headmaster. Harry had told us about Azkaban when the prisoners escaped. I won't let these people take someone like Dumbledore to a place like that. No innocent man deserves all their happiness drained out of them. I held Riptide at my side now.

"Who is this?" The Minister asked.

"This is one one of the new students, Cornelius." Dumbledore said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh!" His eyes widened.

"It is alright Percy-" Dumbledore said.

"So this is Percy!" The Minister - Cornelius I-Think-His-Last-Name-Is-Fudge - exclaimed. "I have heard about you! You're the one--" 

"As I was trying to say," Dumbledore interrupted almost coldly, "You are under the assumption, Minister, that I will come quietly. As it is, I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this," Umbridge glared. "Get him!" She pushed me out of the way. I stumbled back and hit the wall. The impact knocked the breath out of my lungs. Man, that woman has strength. Dumbledore then winked at Harry and Fawkes flew towards him. He disappeared into a ball of light, taking the phoenix with him. The force catapulted the adults away from the desk. Harry stood there, probably unbelieving of what he just saw. I quickly came to my senses and hurried over to where Will and Harry were.

"Wh... what," Umbridge stuttered as she tried to stand up. "Where did he go?"

"Are we free to go Miss?" Will asked politely. Umbridge looked too dazed to care so we hurried out of the office. We got about half way to the common room before we stopped.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Harry chuckled.

"I'm glad he got away," I said as we started walking.

"Where do you think he went?" Will asked.

"Not sure, maybe to a relative?" Harry suggested.

"What if he went to see Mr Brunner?" I said to Will.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"One of our teachers from our school. I think they're good friends." I replied.

"Stop!" We stopped and turned to the Fudge jogging towards us, followed by the other Percy.

"I wanted to talk to you," he told me.

"Well I have no interest in talking to you." I turned to leave.

"You can't speak to him like that." the other Percy said.

"Can't I?" I asked. "I'm not under his government, and I have no desire to speak to someone who wants to treat me and my friends as guinea pigs. You know?" I paused, "if you had just believed that Voldemort was back, then I wouldn't have to be here wasting the time I could be spending somewhere else; like university. I haven't attended a normal school in years, and I could be there right now, instead I have to help someone to stubborn to help himself. So, Minister, why don't you end this war before it begins?" I turned and walked away, Will and Harry jogging to keep up with me.

When we got to the common room I had calmed down slightly. I slumped into a chair and Will mumbled something about seeing Nico. Harry sat next to me.

"What did you mean, 'end this war before it begins'?" He asked. The common room was empty, everyone had gone down to dinner.

"War is inevitable Harry. It's coming and there's only one thing that could stop it."

"And that is...?"

"We need to prepare for the fight. To do that people need to be aware that it's coming. And what Fudge is doing, crushing any testament that Voldy is back, will give Voldy the advantage. It gives him the opportunity to make the most damage because no one can prepare for something that everyone says won't happen."

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