We Don't Eat Death

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Annabeth was here! When she called me Seaweed Brain at the door, I spun around. She was there, in the most stunning dress. I could see what she was doing. Blue and Grey. Poseidon and Athena. The rest of the seven were there, and Will, Nico and Thalia didn't take long to come down after I told them. I loved the reaction we got when we walked in. To be honest, I was quite surprised that the gods had even showed up. 

"It's not everyday a party can be thrown for us." Zeus had said.

"You never do it back at camp." Aphrodite had pointed out. Thalia then replied with the fact that they had never asked, dropping the conversation. When the music started, I held out my hand and Annabeth smiled and I walked her onto the dance floor. Nothing else mattered. My wise girl was here and I was all hers. When the song finished, I led her off to meet Harry and the other wizards. 

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, this is Annabeth. My girlfriend." Hermione and Ginny shook her hand, but it seemed Harry and Ron wouldn't have anything to do with her. 

"I think they know that Seaweed Brain, it was kind of obvious when we walked in." The girls laughed. 

"Why do you call him Seaweed Brain?" Ginny asked. 

"Well, he has kelp for a brain and he spends most of his time in the water." 

"Well you spend most of your time buried in a book Wise Girl." I said.

"True." Annabeth smiled. 

"Hey Percy!" Leo called as the rest of the demigods walked over. "So this is the famous Harry Potter. I'm Leo McShizzle Valdez." He held out his hand to Harry. He shook it. Ron looked at Leo.

"Is that your actually middle name?" 

"No. He made it up one time when he met some girls. Before he met me that is." Calypso giggled. 

"So why...?" Hermione asked. Leo grinned and took out a wand that I'm guessing everyone was given by Hecate. 

"Cause, I can do this." He pointed the wand at his chest and burst into flames. The golden trio jumped back and the rest of us laughed. The fire disappeared and Hermione pointed at him. 

"That...that spell. You... you said nothing and cast multiple spells at once. One to cast the flame, one to keep you resistant and another to keep it from spreading... she was right next to you!" She pointed a shaky finger at Calypso. Leo grinned.

"That's where he got his nickname from!" Jason put an arm around Leo's shoulder. His sleeve was a bit short and showed a part of his tattoo. I was about to warn him but Harry had already seen. 

"You're a death eater too!"
"A what?" Jason grinned and out his arm down. "I um. I don't really. Um. How do I explain this... I. Don't. Eat. Thanatos." A thunderous laughter erupted from the back of the room where the gods where all standing. Zeus - or Jupiter as he was now - was laughing hard along with Hades. 

"Jason. Son. I don't think I would ever hear such a sentence come out of anyone's mouth. " Jupiter chuckled. Hades couldn't stop laughing. It was the best mood I probably had ever seen the Lord of The Dead in. 

"Lord of the what?" Ron asked. Dam it. I said that out loud. I need to stop doing that. Luckily, Annabeth was there to save me. 

"Lord of the Dead. That's what we call that gothic professor over there. Or even Professor Hades. It's just cause he's always so gloomy and moody. He also teaches the worst subject... History."

"He's also related to this little ray of sunshine here." Leo said putting his arm around Nico. He growled and slid closer towards Will who chuckled. 

"Is every professor at your school related to someone?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah. See that one over there in the Hawaiian tux? That's my dad. And that lady over there, is Annabeth's mum. Oh, and she is Piper's mum. Leo's dad is over there. Um, that's Will's dad, and that's Jason and Thalia's." I said, pointing to each God in turn. "And the one in the wheelchair? He teaches defensive arts. He's distantly related to Calypso, but I don't really want to go into it to far, hurts my head. She just calls him her uncle. And I think that's it." 

"That's why we were picked to go here. We are the kids of the professors so there's less paperwork and whatnot." Annabeth said quickly. Harry slowly nodded. 

"I guess that kind off makes some sense." 

"So, you don't think we eat death anymore?" Leo said.

"Oh no. I definitely think you are death eaters. I just need enough proof to give to the Order." Harry grinned.  We all frowned.

"Oh you mean the order that most of us recently were invited to join? Yeah. Good luck trying to convince that lot." Jason said. 

"How many of you were asked to join?" Ron asked.

"Me, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Piper, Nico, Thalia, Will and Calypso. It was originally going to be just me, Thalia, Leo, Jason and Nico, but we refused unless our respective partners were there too." I said. "We're just special I guess." I said, grinning. Then my face dropped and turned serious. "If you want to believe that we work for Voldemort, then you believe it. But if it gets in the way of what we were sent here to do, then we will have no choice but to leave you alone and withdraw all our forces your Ministry asked for. They literally begged for our help, embarrassing themselves along the way. So if they hear that all of that was for nothing, and a little boy threw away everything, no matter how special he is, they won't be happy. So let us protect you Potter. Because we are fully capable of doing so." I looked down at him. He wasn't that much shorter, I was just being really intimidating. Yes, I try sometimes. 

"Fine. But I won't let this drop. Voldemort killed my parents and your working for him. I won't let you run along free in the place that I call home, I won't let you kill the people I care about. Not again." Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny walked off, leaving us demigods standing there. 

"That could have gone better." Will said, trying to lighten the mood. 

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