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"Emily," the male says.

Emily looks up from her book. Her dark brown eyes looked into his same coloured.

"What is it dad?" She asks.

"You will be going into great Britan," Emily's father says.

"No way! That... you didn't need to!" She says.

"I only had to pay the flight. Your school has taken care of the rest," he says.

"I'm actually going to get a degree on media?" She asks.

"Yes. You are. Me and your mom are so proud of you," he says.

Emily jumps up and closes the romance novel she had been reading.

"Thank you dad!" She yells.

"No problemo kiddo," he says.

"Dad. That just doesn't work. 'Kiddo' doesn't work. 'Problemo' is just an insult," Emily says.

"You kid's put 'o' behind everything," he says.

"James! Stop making this awkward for our child!" A woman yells from the bathroom.

"Alright Honey!" James yells back.

"Amanda! Are you ready?" The woman asks.

"1. It's Aaron. 2. Yes mom," a voice says from the living room.

"A-Aaron. Come here! I need a hug!" Emily yells.

"No you don't Emi," he says.

"Of course i do. I won't see you in years," Emily says.

"Like you'd see me anyway. I'm going to Finland," he says.

"Oh. Tell me, what sauna's are like," Emily says.

Aaron walks in and gives his sister a big hug.

"Not going to miss you," he says.

"Yeah. You are too loud with girls. Every-fricking-night," Emily says.

"Gotta help the women," he says.

"'Help' means making out and getting drunk? You aren't even 21 for God's sake," Emily says.

"Hey! This one is different! Sara is amazing!" Aaron yells.

"Oh? Sara?" She asks.

"She is a Finnish girl," Aaron says.

"That probably likes girls," Emily says.

"Hey! Sara is Bi for your information," Aaron says.

"Yeah? Still likes girls! I'ma gonna steal her with my perfect face," Emily jokes.

"Don't you dare," Aaron says.

"Ah. I'm proud of our children. They never fight," their mom says sarcasticly.

"Same here Erika. Same here," James says.

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