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Emily, Eko and Kathleen sit around.

"Even i see something is up," Eko says laughing.

Emily and Kathleen roll their eyes.

"I might know, why the two of you are blushing," Eko says.

Kathleen looks the other way from Eko.

"Hah. Why?" Emily asks.

"'Cause it is kind of cold in here," Eko says.

Emily bursts out laughing.

"Yes. Totally," Emily lies.

Eko looks proud of noticing this.

The three hear the doorbell ring,

"I'll open," Emily says.

Kathleen stays with Eko.

"Can i see my kid?" A familiar voice asks.

"Mum!" Eko yells.

Rosie gets in more while Eko walks closer.

"Thank God you opened the door. I was having a hard time with getting Drake to answer," Rosie says.

"He's at work. Is there a problem with Eko?" Emily asks.

"I promised him to take her for a day on his week to re-pay for this. It's still my week so Eko is coming with me," Rosie says.

"Sit down for a moment," Emily says.

Kathleen takes Eko on her lap.

"How is your father?" Emily asks.

"Alright at the moment. It's a miracle really. He smoked. So. Yeah. He is on his late 60's. So," Rosie says.

"How old is he?" Emily asks.

"69. Will be 70 in a month," Rosie says.

"How old are you?" Emily asks.

"21. I'll be 22 soon," Rosie says.

"He was 47, when They had you?" Emily asks.

"I'm second. My big sister is about 35," Rosie says.

"How old is your mom?" Emily asks.

"60," Rosie says.

"So. She gave birth to you so old?" Emily asks.

"Yeah. She had the first 3 years busy with my sister. Then a year, when she just couldn't get a child. Then my sister fell deeply ill. It Took her 7 years to get better on the level to go to school. Next 2 years my mum was ill first. Only for a short while. Like 4 months. Then my dad moved away for a while. Or. He didn't MOVE. He was out of country for 9 months. Then he got some meds for an illness. He takes them to this day. But. They had a break from everything after getting the meds. It took about 5 months. The rest of the time They tried for a baby until mum had me. They later broke up after i was two," Rosie says.

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