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Emily looks at Kathleen.

"Ms. You need to leave now. It's getting late," the doctor says looking at Emily.

"Yes sir. Um. Will Kathleen be okay?" Emily asks.

"Oh dear. She'll be quite Fine. We just need to keep her over the night to see about her state," the doctor says.

Emily smiles at Kathleen.

"Good night," Emily says.

Kathleen hugs Emily quickly before Emily leaves.

"See you soon Kathleen," Emily says as She closes the door.

"Well. Are we going then?" Clara asks.

"Yea'. We can't stay here," Emily says.

"Emi. Um. I just-. Is it my place to come here anymore?" Clara asks.

"How so?" Emily asks.

"Well. Kathleen will probably soon get out anyway. It's just hard for me to be here. Just. As it is, i don't feel i should come here to get Kathleen," Clara says.

"You are scared of her. Aren't you?" Emily asks.

Clara looks around.

"Maybe," Clara says..

"Clara. We were never told, How to deal with these situation's in school. People react their own way's. But. She is still the same Kathleen," Emily says.

"Emily. She is insane," Clara says.

"She is What?" Emily asks.

"She hurt herself. Maybe She will hurt one of us. I don't know," Clara says.

(THIS was one of the rare reasons me and the person Clara is based on fought. She had no idea, What to say to these things. Somehow made it even worse by almost never lying. ~Anna/Fi.)

"Clara. Sucidal people only hurt themself's," Emily says.

"I don't know. I automaticly start thinking about the possibility She'll hurt us. I don't know, What being Sucidal is," Clara says.

"Oh. Do you think She'll take a knife and push it into your back? Hell. Ralph is more likely to do that," Emily says.

Clara looks down and sighs.

"I'm sorry Emily. I think i just over reacted. I just want to protect people," Clara says.

"I'm not someone you need to say sorry to. Kathleen is the one you talked about," Emily says.

"I can't go now," Clara says.

"But you can tomorrow," Emily says.

"Oh God damn you Emi," Clara says.

"And this happened less Then a month from her birthday," Emily says.

"Wait. What?" Ralph asks.

"She's born January 11th," Emily says.

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