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Kathleen and Emily look around the apartment.

"Seems nice," Emily says.

Kathleen knocks on the wall. It doesn't make a loud noice, but still a noise.

"This is the apartment to live in as a couple."

Kathleen ignores the comment and starts looking around the place.

"This is new-ish. This got build last summer."

"Has anyone lived here?" Emily asks.

"No. It's owned to rent."

Kathleen looks out a window.

"How long have you two been together?"

Kathleen smirks.

"Oh. Loong," She says sarcasticly.


Kathleen gets a message.

'Hi. Come out around 6 pm. You know. I'll write you the place. ~😘'

"Are you okay?" Emily asks.

Kathleen nods.

"So. I'll Throw the papers at you soon."

Kathleen nods and They get out.

"So," Emily says.

"Shit," Kathleen says running to the stop.

"What?" Emily asks.

Kathleen gets into the bus.

'I will be there.'

Emily puts her head on the window and sighs.

"Ye are gettin' off," Kathleen says.

"What about you?" Emily asks.

Kathleen pushes Emily out of the bus and sits back down for about 6 stops.

"Gettin' off," Kathleen says.

'Honey. The purple pole. I'm the chick next to it.'

Kathleen gets over to a girl with grey eyes and Brown hair. She has a dress on. It's purple.

"Hello McLaine," She says.

"Oh. Who are ye?" Kathleen asks.

"Oh. Sad i didn't tell you," She says.

Kathleen rolls her eyes.

"Phoenix," She lies.

"Real name," Kathleen says.

"Okay okay. I'm not important. I'm just a button in a big game," She says.

"Oh. What do ye want?" Kathleen asks.

"Sh," She says.

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