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Kathleen and Emily sit in a near by coffee place. Along with some friends.

"I can't believe it's summer," Emily says.

"Yea'," Ralph says looking at his clock.

"How is Clara? And How are the babies?" Emily asks.

"They are really good. I can't believe We had three," Ralph says.

"I can not believe Clara pushed three out," Kathleen says.

"I know. I mean. Three. THREE!" Ralph yells.

"Congratulations," Drake says.

(Yes. This is one of these cheesy things~Fianna.)

"Thanks," Ralph says.

"Thanks for helping us move in today by the way," Emily says.

"No worry Emi. It was nice meeting your friend here. It's the LEAST i can do with you two taking care of Eko so often," Drake says.

"It was nice. It's been really hard since Clara gave birth. Harmony, Musa and Carol are taking a toll on us," Ralph says.

"Yeah. Plus you had school," Emily says.

"I Also will be going next year. But. We are living in a kinda down class apartment. It isn't too Fat away from school. So," Ralph says.

"Are We the only ones in a mid class apartment?" Emily asks.

"By that. How did you get that much money, Kathleen?" Ralph asks.

"Adoptive parents died," Kathleen says.

"Oh. I'm so sorry," Drake says.

"No worry. They did not like me," Kathleen says.

"Why not?" Drake asks.

"I ain't sure," Kathleen says.

"That's dumb of them. Let's be honest. I was thinking you weren't, What you said you were. I still could never HATE you," Ralph says.

'Have a fun summer Honey. Next mission pretty soon after you get back into school. You can help your girlfriend not get killed ~😘.'

Kathleen sighs at the text and text's back.

'Hi Phoenix. Have a nice summer too. I'll see you next time.'

"Who are you texting?" Emily asks.

"A friend," Kathleen says.

"What is their name?" Emily asks.

"Faith," Kathleen half lies.

"A nice name," Emily says.

"Would you like to order? Oh. Hi."

The four turn around to see the guy that snogged his boyfriend in the middle of the same place.

"Hi," Emily says.

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