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Kathleen stands with Emily as they sit in the place with least party people.

"Hey. Ya wanna dance?" A man asks Emily.

"Um... Sure?" Emily asks.

The male takes Emily to the others.

"Hey~," A guy says to Kathleen with a creepy smile.

Kathleen waves.

"Are you mute?" The guy asks.

Kathleen nods.

"I like quiet women~," the guy says.

Kathleen keeps her place.

"I'm Earl," Earl says.

Kathleen looks down at her feet.

"Hey. Kathleen. I'm back," Emily says.

Kathleen nods.

"Kathleen is a nice name~," Earl flirts.

"Leave her alone," Emily says.

Kathleen takes one step out of the situation. Earl gets her.

"Hey!" Ralph yells.

"Earl! What the Heck are you doing?" Clara asks.

"Not much sis," Earl says.

Kathleen kicks him on the leg and gets free.

"You little-!" Earl yells.

"Oh Clara. I'm so happy for you," an oldish lady says.

"Thanks mum," Clara says.

"Oh. Earl. Have you talked to your sister? She is getting married for God's sake," the lady says.

"Oh. Good luck!" Earl says loudly,

"Who are these lovely ladies?" The lady asks.

"This one is Kathleen. She is kinda shy," Ralph says.

"Oh. I remeber my old friend. Ariana. She wanted to name her child Kathleen. She had eyes just yours. Dead now," The lady says.

"Ma?" Kathleen asks

"What?" The lady asks.

"Ma was Ariana," Kathleen says.

"Oh. That is interesting. They did have a child i believe. Both dead. First Ariana got ill and then the man killed himself while drunk," the lady says.

Kathleen forces herself to smile. She knows well it's her parents.

"And this is Emily. Emily came here like 1 month and 3 weeks ago or something," Ralph says.

"Oh. Are you Irish too?" The lady asks.

"No. I am American," Emily says.

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