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Kathleen sits down again.

"Now. The story i told you to write. While creativity isn't something i can put Numbers on. Nor is story. But. I will have to tell you about grammar error's. So. As i call your name, come get your paper. If you get 8-10, you are on the clear. If you get 6-7, i wish you re-write your story without as many error's. If you get 4-5, i am waiting for you after class," the Professor says.

Kathleen stares down at her table as names are called.

"Now. I HATE giving extra credit to people. But. One of you Took the time to break cliché's and write EXTRA. I really wanted to read a whole book about this story. So. Kathleen McLaine. Come up," The Professor says.

Kathleen walks down and takes the paper.

"Now. I want you to write a short idea for a book. I give you until the end of the class," the Professor says.

Kathleen sits back down and starts writing,

'Alright. The story is from the point of a half-Mexican girl named Verónica. She has a little sister and a little brother. Little sister is named Gabriela and little brother is named Manuel. Their ma has hard time dealing with them all as their pa is away from home for long times. When their ma loses her job, they have to move as far as to France behind family they haven't met more than ones. When the get to France, Verónica notices everything isn't quite as their family had thought. What happens as Manuel catches a sickness, Gabriela is nowhere to be seen and Verónica has to deal with the twins next door?'

(I've been thinking about writing that one. Like. In Wattpad. I Honestly like the idea tons. I don't know, Why. I just like writing mysteries! It's always been interesting. ~Anna. (Still wishing i could be Fi))

"Papers down after the next sentence!" The professor yells.

Kathleen writes her name on the paper.

"And stop," the Professor says.

Kathleen gives her paper to the Professor and starts reading her book.

"Now. I must give you homework. Um. Write about three character's you use in your story," the Professor says.

Kathleen nods sharply and gets her stuff. They leave the class room.

"Is it really a good idea to put a 60 years old person to teach us about the internet? She only talks about the dangers of porn! It's more of a sex edd than anything else," Emily says.

"So ye talked about porn?" Kathleen asks.

"Yup. 'Remeber kids! Porn is alright. Just don't get obsessed with it. And don't look for stupid porn's.' I literally have to write an essey about porn. What the frick?" Emily asks.

Kathleen rolls her eyes.

"What do you have to do?" Emily asks.

"Write about three character's. How much on most gal's writing about their sexual fantasy land?" Kathleen asks.

"I'd lose. I think at least ONE does that," Emily says.

"Yea'. People are dumb. Professor's IRL don't hook up with student's. Or. Hopefully they don't," Kathleen says.

"You never know. They might just be dumb or they might know something We don't," Emily says.

Ralph and Clara walk past them.

"Hey! That was Emily and Kathleen. We were looking for them you dummy," Clara says.

Clara backs to Emily and Kathleen.

"Hi you two!" She yells.

"Why are you so happy?" Emily asks.

"I'm two weeks pregnant," Clara says smiling.

"Congratulations Clara. And Ralph," Emily says.

"Why did ye not use protection?" Kathleen asks Ralph.

"We know we won't get anything," Ralph says.

"Ye got her fookin' pregnant!" Kathleen yells.

"Well. We wanted a child. Just maybe not right now. We are going a little too fast for my taiste. But. I'm not gonna make the kid die!" Clara says.

"Well. I will look after them for ye sometime," Kathleen says to Clara.

"I'll help out too. Probably more right now. I love helping pregnant women," Emily says.

"That's so nice of you Emily. You are really nice. How long have We known each other? Like 2 months and a half?" Clara asks.

"About?" Emily asks.

"Tell me, when ye two know the gender," Kathleen says.

"I don't think we will find out the gender. Probably only the possibility of illnesses. There is no need. We love it anyway. Just. I want to be ready for our little child having some illness. I want to read about it before hand," Clara says.

(As i probably said, Clara is based on my old crush. Also my old friend as well. I don't talk to her as much. BUT. I got to know her reaction to a child. (she is not pregnant IRL.) Her reaction just would be the most adorable thing ever. So. I had to add it. She is so fookin' adorable i can't deal with it! ~Anna P.S. Still wish my name was Fi.)

"Good luck," Kathleen says.

"Yeah. We are waiting to see the little one," Emily says.

"Nervous?" Kathleen asks.

Clara nods.

"I know it's gonna hurt. I-I just. It seems so-," Clara starts.

"Ye are scared, how much it hurts," Kathleen says.

Clara nods.

"It's gonna be fine. It will hurt. But. It's worth it after ye see the little one," Kathleen says.

"What if i give birth wrong and he or She will die?" Clara asks.

"Sh. That won't happen," Kathleen says.

"Kathleen and i will be there to help. I promise. We'll help you the most We can. We all are gonna read books and things. Us three. Frick boys Anyway," Emily says.

Clara laughs.

"I still have over eight months left and i'm already scared," Clara says.

"We are here," Kathleen says.

Clara hugs both girls.

"Why are you so tall Kathleen?" Emily asks.

Kathleen makes herself look smaller and the girls hug. Kathleen little awkwardly. But. Still a hug.

"Am i being re-placed by two girl's?" Ralph laughs.

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