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Emily looks over at her teacher.

"Today. We will be talking the rules of internet. Say one," the teacher says.

Emily rises her hand while laughing.

"Emily?" The teacher asks.

"Rule 34," Emily says.

The class starts laughing.

"Yes Emily. Now. Internet is a scary place to be in," The teacher says.

Emily starts drawing on her Notebook.

"Now. Do any of you have sosial media's?" The teacher asks.

Most of the class rise their hands. Emily being one of them.

"Now. Internet is a weird place. Creativity and information as Well as some creepy stuff," the teacher says.

Emily looks at the clock.

"Now. I would like you to pick a friend to look into internet with. I want an A4 paper about one of popular sosial media's. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube. Well known media's," the teacher says.

Whispering starts as friend's start talking about their idea's.

"Now. This homework will be for next week," the teacher says.

Emily get's up the moment the bell ring's and walk's out.

"Like. Did he really? OMG. She isn't even pretty."

Emily walks to Kathleen and smiles.

"What up?" Emily says.

"Next floor," Kathleen says.

"How was class?" Emily asks.

"Sucked. Ye?" Kathleen asks.

"I have a project to do. With you," Emily says.

"Same," Kathleen says.

"You seem even more down than normal," Emily says.

"Fookin' evil gal's," Kathleen says.

Emily looks at her.

"Here they come," Kathleen says.

"Hey. McLaine. Did your little love life leave you?"

Kathleen rolls her eyes.

"I'm not fucking done with you!" The girl screams.

"Is there a problem?" A teacher asks.

"Kathleen attacked me! I promise! I didn't do anything!" The girl 'cries'.

"Kathleen. This is your third big Fuck up. You didn't come to school tho We had a meeting the 16th of December. Then you were out of your room the wrong time the next night. Now this," the teacher says.

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