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Emily looks at Kathleen.

"Honestly?" She asks.

"Yes," Kathleen says.

"Okay Then," Emily says.

"I-I understand, If ye do not like me like that," Kathleen says.

"Kathleen. There is only one problem here," Emily says.

"I knew it," Kathleen whispers.

"I-," Emily starts.

Kathleen bite's her arm.

"Stop that!" Emily yells.

She take's Kathleen's arm.

"Do you know, What the problem really is?" Emily asks.

Kathleen sobs.

"The problem is that-," Emily starts.

She kisses Kathleen this time.

"The problem is that i can't tell, What my feeling's are at the moment," Emily says.

Kathleen looks at her.

"I can't really tell my feeling's. And. In all Honesty. I love you. A lot. Oh. You can't even tell, How much. The problem is that i shouldn't. You and i haven't known each other for a year. A little part of me know's that you keep too many secret's for this to work," Emily says.

"That is a problem," Kathleen says.

"It is," Emily says.

"Not a problem We can not fix," Kathleen says.

Emily's eyes go wide.

"I will just start. Well. With. I am payin' off our life's from a list right now," Kathleen says.

"What?" Emily asks.

"Ye called police on Jean. So. The druggie's have a list of enemies They kill. Ye are on that list," Kathleen says.

Emily's eyes go even wider.

"So am i," Kathleen says.

"Anything else?" She asks.

"Nothin' that big," Kathleen says.

"Fine," Emily says.

She kisses Kathleen again.

"You are okay now. For now," Emily says.

'We have to go. Bring your girlfriend~ Phoenix 🐣.'

"Let's go Then," Emily says.

They both put jacket's on and leave out.

"Hello Emily. You'll be Knowing me as Renley."

Kathleen rolls her eyes.

"Our names?" Kathleen asks.

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