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Hearing the loud scream, Kathleen runs out of the room. Her feet Suddently let her fall. Even more screaming until a gun in shot. She sees a ginger fall off on the floor. Ginger with red eyes from crying. Next her pa has the gun pointed at his own skull. He then shoots himself on the brain.

"KATHLEEN!" Emily yells very loudly.

Kathleen jumps up and turns to Emily.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

Kathleen nods.

"You had a nightmare. Are you sure you are okay?" Emily asks.

"Yea'," Kathleen says.

"What was it about?" Emily asks.

"Pa an' ma," Kathleen says.

"It's okay, If you don't want to talk about it. But. We have to get going," Emily says.

"Where?" Kathleen asks.

"Or. I won't force you. But. We are going to see Eko. Drake asked us to come over," Emily says.

Kathleen gets up.

"Why?" Kathleen asks.

"He needs help. He would pay you this time," Emily says.

Kathleen shakes her head 'no' and goes to get her clothing.

"I texted him we'd come in 2 hours. It was pretty long ago," Emily says.

Kathleen puts on a grey hoodie and Black skinny jeans. Then Black shoes.

"So. Lets go," Emily says.

She herself has a Yellow hoodie with pink jeans. Also White shoes.

"Let's go Then," Emily says.

They get out and get up on the buss.

"Oh. Hello lassies. The same pud?" The same driver asks.

"No. Going to work," Emily says.

"Oh. What are the lassies workin' for?" The driver asks.

"We do baby sitting. Also We are student's," Emily says.

The buss driver smiles and the girl's get into the buss.

"So. If you had a child, What would you name them?" Emily asks.

"Delaney, Scully, Sean, Nya, Fiona or Finn," Kathleen says.

"Nice names," Emily says.

"What do ye want to name them?" Kathleen asks.

"I don't really know," Emily says.

Emily and Kathleen get off and get over to the house.

"Wow," Kathleen whispers.

"Kathleen. As you see, everyone doesn't have the best house," Emily says.

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