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Kathleen sighs. Her phone beeb's.

'Hey Kathleen. I'm going out with Ralph and Clara. See you! Please don't die on me. 🥔'

Kathleen rolls her eyes and text's back,

'I'm not going to. Why did you leave without telling me?'

Emily text's back,

'I forgot TBH'

Kathleen looks down at her hands.

'Okay. Um. Tell me next time?'

'Sure If that is such a big thing to you👍🏼'

Kathleen rolls back on her bed and stares at the seeling. Her hands together over her head.

"Why would they just leave?" Kathleen asks.

Many beeb's are heard, but Kathleen doesn't take the phone.

"I thought i was close to them," Kathleen whispers.

This time Kathleen's phone rings.

'Don't answer. They don't care anyway.'

"What if they do? Then i'm just making them worried?" Kathleen asks.

'You can always say you were having a hard depression day!'

"They don't know i'm depressed," Kathleen whispers.

'Then you can turn it all to them. They left you.'

"It doesn't work like that. I need to stop talkin' to myself," Kathleen says.

The phone ringin' stops.

'Not answering is easier. Isn't that all you do? Escape your problem's?'

"Stop playing better than me! Ye are me!" Kathleen yells.

'But i am something you created.'

"I don't have depression for fun," Kathleen whispers.

She hears the door click and closes her eyes. Playing asleep.

"See Emi? You don't need to worry," Clara says.

"Clara. Be a darling and go before me. I gotta grab something," Ralph says.

Clara leaves.

"Okay. Let's be honest. She just ignored you," Ralph says.

"She didn't. She's sleeping," Emily says.

"Wake her up Then," Ralph says.

Emily walks over to Kathleen and takes a hold of her arm. Kathleen stays still. Then She remeber's, What Emily said.

"Look. She is clearly having a nightmare," Emily says.

"Fine. I might have been wrong!" Ralph yells.

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