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Kathleen lay's in bed.

'One of these day's Then?'

"Kathleen. Hey. It's 24th," Emily says.

Kathleen closes her eyes and keep's herself on the bed.

"Are you alright?" Emily asks.

"Tired. Say. Can i stay in bed?" Kathleen asks.

"Sure. I'll bring you breakfast?" Emily asks.

"Not hungry," Kathleen says.

'Fook depression. Really. Thank World it wasn't Christmas.'

"Okay. But. I'll make sure you eat later," Emily says.

Kathleen nods closing her eyes.

"Um. I'm just going to go?" Emily asks.

Kathleen doesn't answer.

"Um. Okay then. Um. Well," Emily says.

Kathleen feel's like doing absolutely nothing.

"Well. That. I'll ask Clara to bring me food," Emily says.

'Can't ye just go eat?'

"Hey Clara. So. Kathleen is tired and i'd rather not leave her side today," Emily says.

'Take the fookin' hint? Please?'

Emily sit's on her bed.

"Well. So. Are you mad at me?" Emily asks.

'Are ye kiddin' me? No! Depression just suck's sometimes.'

Someone knock's on the door and Emily get's it. It's Clara.

"Thanks for the food. Bye," Emily says.

Kathleen looks at her drawer.

'It's been like 4 days. New record. Should i? If Emily sees, there is a dead Irish woman on this bed.'

Kathleen sees Emily chatting with Clara.

'She shouldn't know about this. I mean. She doesn't know i do this. That's actually a good thing. She isn't always watchin' me. Agh. She is doing it already. I just. This is the time ye pick. Risk it and have a 50% chance of Emily seein' ye or be safe and maybe bite?'

Kathleen turns and start's staring at the wall.

"I'm scared for her. She said she was tired. I don't know, If that is true," Emily says.

"She has these day's. Does it really seem like a big thing?" Clara asks.

Emily nods and show's Kathleen.

"She really isn't answering me and doesn't seem to want to eat at all," Emily says.

"Then you should drag her up. Ralph and i do that," Clara says.

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