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Kathleen and Emily. Their friends and family watching, they share a kiss after their 'I do' that they had said. Moonlight shining on the two as If it knew that a happy marrage was to come. Two beautiful women kissing under the moonlight. Their life together now making another chapter. A short and long chapter. For. Tomorrow would be the day they'd meet their new child. Or. Do I say today? After all. The clock just hit midnight.

"I love you," Emily whispers.

Her most beautiful Black hair looks almost holy is such lighting. The beautiful Black hair on her slightly tanned skin. Master's work. A work not one person could make better. From her Personality to her looks, Emi is the most beautiful girl around. She is more. The most perfect art you could see in this world.

"Ye are so perfect," Kathleen whispers.

Emi's cheek's get a light pink colour. Almost making her look too innocent for her own good. Kathleen's hands go on the other girls waist.

"You are so cute," Emily's mum says.

Emily and Kathleen both turn at the same time.

"You did this on purpose? Light meets dark?" Clara asks.

Emily's short and white dress with no sleeve's aganst Kathleen's long, Black jeans and long sleeved, Black button up shirt. It does look like two world's coming together. But. It wasn't meant to be that. It was just, What both were happy with.

"We didn't plan anything," Emily says.

Their silver ring's with no sort of stone on it. Not because They couldn't afford 'better'. They liked simple.

"This is the best day I have ever had," Kathleen says.

"About to get better. We'll go get our lovely child not long from now," Emily says.

Kathleen kisses Emily's cheek.

(I did not plan any wedding for them. I just did something. Adoption. That part i've planned for seven weeks. ~Author.)

"Well. Have a nice night. Our flight leaves in a hour," Aaron says.

They had gone out to eat BEFORE the wedding. So. Now They were going home to wake up at nine to catch the bus. Getting their little one home.

"Thank you for being here," Emily says.

The family hugs. Kathleen just watching until Aaron and Emily pull her into the family hug.

"See ye," Kathleen says.

"You sure will. Take good care of my little baby," Emi's dad says.

Emily rests her head on Kathleen.

"Let's go," Kathleen says.

She takes Emi on her back for a ride since their home is walking distance away.

"Night," Kathleen says.

She leaves with Emily on her back. Their home so close her walk literally takes about five minutes.

"Emi. We are here," Kathleen says.

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