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Emily and Kathleen sit down.

"Are you okay?" Emily asks.

"I just have a bad feelin'," Kathleen says.

"Are you sure?" Emily asks.

Kathleen nods with a sigh.

"What is it?" Emily asks.

"This is pa's death day," i say.

"Oh. I didn't-," Emily starts.

"I do not visit his grave or anything," Kathleen says.

"But?" Emily asks.

"I think i am just now have something to get over him with," Kathleen says.

"It's my birthday tomorrow," Emily says.

"I know," Kathleen says.

Emily sighs.

"I Also know that i should not be this sad," Kathleen says.

Emily keeps quiet.

"I just have been dead inside since forever. Just now i remember, What real sadness is," Kathleen says.

"It's better to cry it out," Emily says.

"I am just sad. Not sad like cryin' sad. Just sad," Kathleen says.

Emily starts shaking.

"Clearly ye are cold," Kathleen says.

"Why did you say this so late?" Emily asks.

"I had to think, How to say it. I am not a person to talk about feeling's," Kathleen says.

"I'll forgive you. But. I'll go in. It's gonna rain soon," Emily saye.

Kathleen nods looking at the cloud's.

"Don't get sick," Emily says.

She walks in.

"Night. Come inside before it rain's?" Emily asks.

"Sure," Kathleen says.

Emily takes a bread and starts eating it while Kathleen looks up at the star's.

"Well. It would not kill," Kathleen says.

She gets into her home and sees Emily.

"Didn't stay out for long?" Emily asks.

"Well," Kathleen says.

It starts to rain.

(I just sang the whole 2009 in a shop without noticing. I Suddently notice as i'm looking at headphones and starting to sing 2012. I'm there like 'Shit'. Also. I've had depression med's for two week's now and a week without cutting. Finally. ~Fianna.)

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