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Kathleen stare's Emily in the eye.

"Why the Heck did you just bite yourself?" Emily asks.

Kathleen looks at her drawer and back to Emily in the matter of second's.

"I-. I respect privasy. Okay. I really do. But. In this situation, that doesn't really matter. You better start talking," Emily says.

Kathleen looks down.

"Kathleen. I'm not kidding. I should have done this a long time ago," Emily says.

Kathleen looks at her sleeve and back to Emily.

"Ye wanna see? Fook it," Kathleen says.

She show's her left hand. Nothing, but biting.

"There," Kathleen says.

"Right arm. You are left handed," Emily says.

"I ain't showin' it," Kathleen says.

Emily look's at the hand.

"I wanted to let you be like this. Really. I just-. You've crossed the line," Emily says.

Kathleen closes her eyes.

"Do ye feel sick easily?" Kathleen asks.

"Yup. That just doesn't matter," Emily says.

Kathleen open's her eyes and rolls her sleeve up.

"Oh my god," Emily says backing away.

The arm is covered in scar's and cut's. Some healed better than other's.

"There. Ye fookin' happy?" Kathleen asks.

Emily look at Kathleen. Terrifyied.

"How can you do something like this to yourself?" Emily asks.

"Oh. I ain't havin' problem's lass," Kathleen says.

"'Ain't havin' problem's'? How do i say this? Your arm is full of cut's," Emily says.

"Lass. It ain't new to me," Kathleen says.

"How can you hide something like that so easily?" Emily asks.

"The accent always sound's happy. Ye ain't the only one that does not know," Kathleen says.

"But. Kathleen. How many people know?" Emily asks.

"Ye an' me," Kathleen says.

"How do you get away in swimming?" Emily asks.

"Some hand things that can take water," Kathleen says.

"Has no one seen you put those on?" Emily asks.

"I put clothes in the bathroom," Kathleen says.

"Wait a sec," Emily says.

Kathleen stay's aganst her bed as Emily looks for something.

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