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Kathleen looks around at the stuff she wishes she didn't see.

"Where did you move?" Emily asks.

Kathleen doesn't feel like lying so she doesn't answer.

"You had a basement?" Emily asks.

Kathleen gets over and looks down. All the bad memories getting into her

Kathleen's Point Of View

"Dad. What is this girl doing here?" I looked at the one asking for help. "She isn't worth you asking that." I tried to kick. It was no use. The door opened slowly and i was throw in like trash. My vision went for a moment. Just for a moment. Then i felt pain in my arm. Then my back and finally everywhere hurt as knife's were put into my flesh like it was normal. There i blacked out.

End of Kathleen's Point Of View

"What is down there?" Emily asks.

Kathleen looks down and back at Emily.

"I'm going," Emily says.

Emily goes in as Kathleen runs behind her.

"This looks pretty normal," Emily says.

It does look as normal as the ground floor. A pole in the middle, couple of chair's and boxes. Nothing weird.

"Why did you react so paniced?" Emily asks.

Kathleen takes out a book.

"I haven't seen a book like that," Emily says.

Kathleen looks at the book, rips off ten pages and gives the book to Emily.

"These are lyric's. I've never heard of these songs," Emily says.

Kathleen points down at the last line of the page.

"'Writer: Kathleen Ariana McLaine'. You wrote these?" Emily asks.

Kathleen nods.

"Kinda edgy line's. You really put emotion in. I'd think you are self harming, If i'd hear these" Emily says.

Kathleen rolls her eyes.

"What? I like funny and positive line's," Emily says.

Kathleen rolls her eyes again.

"This one is cool," Emily says pointing to a love song.

Kathleen blushes.

"Gay's? That is cool. Two gay male's. Is it easier to write about gay's?" Emily asks.

Kathleen nods.

"Well. You do get the posibility of Homophobic people in. You don't even have them!" Emily yells.

Kathleen sits on the floor and Emily sits down so they are face-to-face.

"This is so cool," Emily says.

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